
Green Lantern is my all time favorite hero from as long as I can remember (which is longer than I care to admit) and the Green Lantern movie just broke my heart.

Barbie is of course great, but I’m happy Blue Beetle is doing better. I finally saw it this week-end and it’s pretty good. Yeah, it’s formulaic, but it is a well-made version of the formula. It’s what Green Lantern should have been. That said, I do think it’s about 15 minutes too long.

Or, since it’s completely up to you, you could just not take a job you have no interest in and move on with your life.  Which is what Cattrall did. 

These unions that are striking need to add an additional clause now that projects that are already completed either need to be released on streaming or they need to be released to the public for free but just taking a completed project like Spiderwick Chronicles or Batgirl and just erasing them from existence is

We always talked about the ‘Golden Age of Television’ ending at some point, but I really didn’t think things would get this dire.

It’s Jar Jar Binks. Search your feelings, you know it to be true

James Gunn said this was going to be the greatest comic book movie ever made. And now he is in control of the DCU.

Or Batgirl, which was pretty much done and would have had the baked in marketability of Oscar winner Bredan Frasier.

It’s especially hard to be interested in Flash when all that’s going on and then meanwhile they kill Batgirl when it’s pretty much done and you’ve got comeback story Brendan Frazier attached.

Honestly, can we be done with the tactical Fbomb at this point?

[Studio CEO voice] You moviegoers are so demanding! “I want movies that are good,” “I want movies that don’t star violent kidnappers,” “I don’t want the writers to be homeless.” You’re just not being realistic!

There is no way they couldn’t have just cast Grant Gustin in this. He knows how to make Barry Allen quirky but likable, and it would have been the perfect capper to his years playing the character. Miller just made Barry annoying.

I really hope it’s a nobody, just some jobber in a mask. Yet another almost jedi who joined up. They way they can be used however much, or little that the story needs.

I mean nothing short of “they re-cast Barry Allen to be someone who is not a kidnapper” would have gotten me to buy a ticket to see this in the theater.

I can’t afford a $32,000 car, let alone one twice that. And I drive my cars for 10+ years. In a decade will my electric car be as obsolete as an iPhone 5?

If you can’t afford a new car, you effectively don’t exist to automakers

Can’t wait for the Ted Kord post-credits scene to never pay off! I’m honestly a bit surprised it got left in.

Jaime’s brother Rudy