
It does not matter what he did with the $30M, he is due all that he is owed for the movie. Those people took advantage of that kid. He deserves all the residuals of that movie.  That was HIS story. Those people are typical palm-colored people who think they have a right to take everything from people who do not look

This is a tragedy any way you look at it, we can judge the mother all we want for being irresponsible. But in my opinion this illustrates a perfect example for mandatory registration and insurance for all gun owners across the board.

They tend to focus on connotation and cultural connection more than substance in this kind of evaluation. “We want BENEVOLENT dictatorship. What don’t you understand? Why are you so hung up on the dictatorship part?”

Yeah, I think the more clearly they explain their position, the more people reject it. Republicans seem to do best when they lie about their positions.

Meh, this is just a list of white women that you don’t like.  Comparing what happened with Jennifer Aniston to Megan McCain’s assholishness or Jenny McCarthy’s actually dangerous anti vax stance is like comparing apples to oranges that are filled with teargas. 

There was also that Holocaust comparison with the elves which I did NOT appreciate. It made me mad on a whole different level.

She is so ridiculous about everything, so it’s easy to laugh at her here. But, most women in marriages and partnerships live like this. Even in so called liberal, equitable marriages. Men are generous chauffeurs, baby sitters, chefs. Never parents in their own rights with responsibilities. Women must always be

Yup, this is it.  Humility because a man doing any type of childcare is emasculating, apparently.  I love how she’s getting teary, like she can’t believe he made SUCH a huge sacrifice.  I bet the kids hate him when they grow up.

If this was the only time, I would be fine with it. But this is a week after some producer said in Polish that he had to dumb down the scripts for Americans because they’re stupid, and the producers were also congratulating themselves for casting an incredibly light-skinned person of color to play Yennefer like it was

Since I never read the books, nor play the games, for me the plot hole was how much they diverted from the material. To paraphrase Homer Simpson, “That’s ingenious...wait, no. It’s complicated and unnecessarily elaborate.”

they were alone in the woods...who was there to “trick”?

I’ll credit the producers with defending the writers and owning the dumb decisions that the latter were getting vitriol for, even if it’s too little too late.

“I was only pretending to suck” is a perfectly valid thing to do for the sake of a twist

What *isn’t* valid, IMO, is leaving the revelation of that twist for two seasons later when casual viewers will have likely forgotten who this dude was to begin with. 

There is something genuinely impressive about the combination of how smug the creative of the Witcher is about all their clever ideas and how utterly idiotic their actual execution of those said ideas is.

In an elaboratoly choreographed sword fight where there is seemingly no one around to see this subterfuge take place?

It seems to me that the people involved in the production of this show should stop taking questions and doing interviews, as it either makes them sound stupid or is deeply insulting to fans.

Was the hat toss by the security guard that did it for me.

Scientology set up a campaign against a few members of the IRS, even poisoning their dogs.   They caved because they were sick of getting harassed. Scientology, including L Ron Hubbard’s wife, infiltrated the IRS illegally and went to jail for it.  

We need anti-cult laws.