
Prosperity Gospel might well be the most toxic shit to have hit America in the past 150 years - the amount of horrific things that trace back to it is just astounding.

The husband wasnt much better. Apparently he was a boy toy she hooked up with when her looks were going and she started to realize it. He was a B actor who had done a Tarzan show so apparently he looked good with his shirt off. He then tried doing a country music thing but it didn’t go anywhere.

Maybe (I can’t speak to his injuries), but Gwyneth was apparently an asshole too, as ever. According to the Guardian article a couple days ago, she basically knocked him flying skiing downhill with her entourage, and never even stopped or turned around. One of the guys in the back of her entourage was the only one to

I totally believe he has a head injury. And they are talking about lost enjoyment of life, just picking out the wine tasting. Head injuries are underreported and very serious.

“It’s complicated”. Not really. Scientology is a cult and a scam that destroys families and caters to its most famous members. They are also (partly) successful because of those same famous members such as Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Will Smith.

I feel the same way about Joseph Smith and the LDS cult. He wanted to molest and rape underage girls so bad he created a whole religion that said God said all that sex abuse was holy. 

Tom can see Suri. In their divorce agreement, he isn’t allowed to disparage or alienate Katie from Suri.

It’s a judgemental phrase about a 16 year old child. Why not frame it more as the scientologist church is terrified of Katie Holmes because she literally escaped from that marriage like an action movie superhero, secret burner phones and all.

Is there another way to frame it? Scientology dictated what children he has a relationship with. They decided he can’t have one with Suri, and Cruise (like a piece of shit) clearly accepted their decision.

Since articles never seem to point it out, perhaps for fear of being sued: Scientologists literally, literally, LITERALLY believe that spaceships came to earth hundreds of millions of years ago, and that’s the least stupid thing they believe.

charge the parent(s). time for more accountability. your thoughts and prayers don’t pay for this woman’s medical bills and future disruptions.

This just in: network that advocates on behalf of the “Women Are Things” political party does not respect women in the workplace!

No shit. It is a real “you keep using that word” moment. If a six year old can get it then it was not secured in any way whatsoever.

“His parents explained in a statement that the gun was a legal purchase of the boy’s mother and secured in the home.”

His parents explained in a statement that the gun was a legal purchase of the boy’s mother and secured in the home.

Something not adding up in the parent’s story - which is no surprise since they are responsible for the teacher getting shot - and have to be scrambling to avoid serious charges.

You buried the lede. If Fox’s lawyers encouraged Grossberg to perjure herself in preparation for her deposition for the Dominion litigation to shelter higher ups from liability, which is still ongoing and only at the summary judgment motion stage, that is literally a crime Fox’s attorneys conspired to commit. It

I found What Happened To Monday to be kinda depressing. It didn’t go in the direction I expected.

should revoke his right to operate a vehicle and a firearm.

Florida: “We need to ban math books from schools”