Also, remember that Iron Man 3's main villian was supposed to be a woman but the higher ups didn’t think a woman villian could carry the movie so we got Guy Pierce. They finally let the woman be the villian and she did carry the movie.
Also, remember that Iron Man 3's main villian was supposed to be a woman but the higher ups didn’t think a woman villian could carry the movie so we got Guy Pierce. They finally let the woman be the villian and she did carry the movie.
You are doing the Lord’s work
You are doing the Lord’s work. I hate slideshows.
I am surprised it tasted good because what you were given looks distgusting. I thought it would at least be similar to the pictures while not exact.
You forgot Chadwick Boseman
I agree. What upsets me here is that Megan McCain spreads false information and nothing was done. Whoopi was explaining what race meant to her and that the Nazis were deeply evil. I don’t understand why she was suspended other than she is black.
This list doesn’t make sense. Debris was an amazing show and it was cancelled in 2021. It is terrible that La Brea gets greenlit and renewed when Debris didn’t get additional seasons.
I have a similar situation with my aunt. She moved in with her daughter who is very NewsMax, Qanon. She went from thinking Trump was an idiot to thinking Biden is being played by an actor. It is hard to talk to her now.
three kids. Laura is pregnant when we meet her.
I am guessing the color is harvest gold.
That sounds like my mother. I haven’t seen her in 11 years and haven’t talked to her in over 5 years. She couldn’t be bothered to visit me or call me when I had stage 3 cancer. When I called her out on it, she said I was being dramatic and lots of people had cancer.
It is good that you are open with your kid about it. I am adopted and I was told to never speak of it. I was made to feel like it was a horrible secret and people would be horrified if they knew. I spent most of my life ashamed.
I don’t understand why movies and shows are leaving HBO Max. It’s not like they lost the rights to them. Same with Disney+. They should just have everything in their library available.
Where are these episodes airing? I haven’t seen a new episode in about a month.
They got rid of my fiesta potatoes for this?
Where are these episodes airing? I haven’t had a new episode show up on TLC for three weeks now.
I gained weight breastfeeding. I did it but I hated every minute of it.
I use premarin. It is prescription but it helps. Things can get painful post menopause. The estrogen also helps with the sex drive. I had breast cancer that was estrogen positive and Premarin is safe.
He is high functioning autistic. When he decides to move out, we are going to gift him with two knives. One will have the engraving “peanut butter” and the other “jelly”.
I still have my popper, little people barn, camper and school from the seventies. My kids played with them and I stored them again.