The picture of him in the red jacket looks like he pasted his face on some other guy’s body. It just looks wrong.
The picture of him in the red jacket looks like he pasted his face on some other guy’s body. It just looks wrong.
I saw this and thought “Finally, I might get to eat some of my soup”. My youngest goes with me to Panera and likes soup too. He usually mooches off of me. When he was younger, he would cuddle up next to me because I love to hug on my kids. Then he would start stealing food off my plate. From the age of 10, however, he…
Since you didn’t specifically say “Don’t talk to Russians”, how was I to know I broke a rule? You can’t punish me if your standards are vague. This is really your fault.
There is always Scrubs and Futurama. Everwood and Roswell are there now. If you missed The Grinder, it is funny.
Love FlexJobs. It helps my depression to be able to work at home. I don’t actually have to see people which drains me.
I watched a lot of Netflix when I was in the hospital. I have the TV on all the time, however. It is not streaming now but Downton Abbey was helpful. I would suggest Dr. Strange and Mr. Norrell. If you have Hulu, watch Gravity Falls or Golden Girls. I have many others if you want.
Make sure you check with your doctor. I had a cyst on my ovary. However, my ovary was long dead. You are lucky because my surgery was 25 years ago and I had to be cut open. I had two kids with ole lefty.
I am job hunting again myself. You should try FlexJobs. It has jobs that are work from home. There is a fee but it is reasonable and not a scam. It was started by a woman who wanted a work from home job but needed to filter out the scams. That is why there is a fee because they check out who posts a job to make sure…
That is why I decided I needed a scooby-natural t-shirt. I am close to 50 and I like my graphic tees. It is a good way to embarrass the kids as punishment for a low level offense.
I need the white t-shirt in the worst way.
I love my “you read my t-shirt. that is enough social interaction for today”. For an introverted person, it solves all of the painful small talk situations.
If he was having a bad day, he should have just said so. Instead, he attacks her on Facebook. He is doubling down.
They do this for me at Kohl’s all the time. Sometimes a cashier will tell me that I am a few dollars away from more Kohl’s cash. Others don’t tell me. This guy was being difficult because he could.
He never gave her the phone number of his superior. He wrote something then threw it away several times.
I love that the people defending this series are all thin. I am sure they never had a problem with their weight. They don’t mind being objectified.
Handmaid’s Tale was just terrible. Elizabeth Moss is terrible. I hate every moment she is on the screen. I want to see the other stories. I was actually disappointed when they didn’t hang her in the first episode of season 2. I even like Serena more than her. June is the most selfish person. She broke up a marriage,…
My problem with the season 4 was that it was horribly written. It was like Rachel and Quinn switched scripts. I didn’t buy Quinn’s redemption. It bothered me that Quinn dismissed Rachel after everything Quinn had done to Rachel and people in the show. I was most distressed by the dude who was Rachel’s friend. I don’t…
But James Gunn gets fired for something similar. Gunn was making bad comedy so if you mean it then it’s ok?
I am bookmarking this. Thanks.
My fake boob is smaller than my real boob. I use inserts to fill out the left side of my bra. It really sucks.