
“I’m color blind”

Considering how many people in this thread have mentioned wearing fake wedding rings at some point, it might be a legit question. Still weird, since presumably someone wearing a fake wedding ring is doing it specifically to avoid attention like this... but it wouldn’t be unheard of for a fancy ring to be fake.

Do you think that anyone who sincerely feels that way writes about it so lucidly?


This is such a strange line to me. Let’s say I took you up on it - what happens when the next guy promises me one even bigger? Does anyone actually want a fiancée who wants you merely by virtue of the engagement ring you offer? If it really worked that way, you know you would only keep her for as long as it took for

Ugh, the “what school do you go to” comments creep me out so much. I’m 30. Apparently you thought I was much younger, and the fact that you went for it anyway, old man, makes me feel so weird and gross.

1. I have been the woman wearing a sports bra in public, and I can assure you it’s not just to show off. I don’t choose workout gear based on how hot I’ll look in it. As someone with first-hand experience here, I can assure you it’s possible to wear a sports bra without trying to attract attention. This is what I mow

Some people don’t know how to be alone, and assume you wouldn’t be reading that book unless you were lonely and completely out of options and just trying not to be awkward about sitting by yourself. And I pity those people, because I LOVE reading in a quiet little pub and having time to myself while someone

I think that the level of street harassment that most women experience is more closely related to the environment they’re in than to their own level of objective hotness. In smaller towns, there’s much, much less of it. Even very beautiful women can go about their daily business without getting shouted at. Bigger

1. Well, harassers for the most part have never been in a race to marry us, so I suppose it makes sense that a pending marriage has no effect on their actions. The guy making kissy faces at you in the gym isn’t enacting his plot to make you his wife. He’s just harassing you, so it’s no wonder he hasn’t received the

tell me those dreads wouldn’t get her an “urban” classification

My (white, blonde) little sister was a prolific shoplifter in middle school & early high school. Her “how” was to just walk out with whatever she wanted, and act like she’s supposed to be there. If an alarm goes off, just don’t react, and keep on walking. She was pretty bold. She got caught once, which basically meant

Reading this story made me the most confused that I’ve been in years. I just kept scanning over more words, waiting to “get it” somehow.

“Women are great, as long as they’re submissive little sheep who don’t hold me accountable to acting like a responsible, respectful human being.”

“So if a guy accuses a woman of having daddy issues, sounds like that’s the signal to move on.”


Has anyone else noticed that it was only people killed, and not any animals? Is this a PETA thing maybe????

Has anyone considered that they’re actually not racist, but that they are so post-racial-society that they just ~don’t see color~?

You say she should have waited. But what if she did wait, and then shortly after getting the tattoo, had another child? And then THAT child was at risk of contracting something that she might have a small risk of contracting?

I don’t know if I’d call leaving your home a “necessary everyday activity”. I mean, we have the health of a child to think about here. She should probably just hole up in her home until the kid gets his bachelor’s degree, just to be on the safe side.