
I have two relatives who live in rural areas with coyotes, other wild animals, and police departments that are quite a long distance away, which, as we know, can mean long 911 response times.

This is a well-written thank you note. I wish I’d ever written one thank you note this good. It’s simple and concise and says what it needs to say.

There is no version of this story that makes me feel okay about sending kids to a detention center. I don’t care if the father is a saint, and the mom is a psycho bitch lying manipulator who’s stomped all over him. (I doubt it, but if we’re speaking hypothetically here...) I still would not be okay for punishing the

I can’t even imagine the lasting effect that this is going to have on those kids. Yeah, they’re not going to put any faith in the court moving forward. Also, any chance he may have POSSIBLY had at having a relationship with them in the future is pretty much out. This is all about punishing his ex at this point.

uuuuugh MRAs. I can’t with them today.

This line of thinking is so frustrating and creepy.

Bet they’ll be super jazzed about their scheduled visitations now, huh.

I wonder how many in-depth, interesting Middle East questions she gets, and how many people just skimmed her Wikipedia profile before interviewing her. I’m sure any celebrity with some kind of niche appeal like that gets tired of answering the same questions, over and over again. Even on less polarizing topics.

God, her voice. I wish she’d lived to be a hundred.

Exaaaactly. These people at the bakery can still go to church every Sunday, pray whenever they want, wear religious jewelry, send their kids to communion, and celebrate all their religious holidays, as much as they want. They are in no way being prevented from practicing their religion, which is much of the point of

Yep, exactly. Accepting gay customers doesn’t stop anyone from practicing their religion. Requiring them to follow the law in this case is not a violation of their first amendment rights. They can still read their bibles, pray, go to church, tithe their 10%, and make their kids go to communion. Disagreeing with

You know, just like the bible says.

I don’t think this gay-marriage, free-speech thing is going to be fully settled until we determine once and for all that nobody’s religious rights are being violated. I truly don’t believe that they are - I don’t think there’s a thing about serving gay customers that gets in the way of a business owner practicing

Holy copy & paste, batman. You need to chill. I assume you’re a friend or something?

Admittedly I have always faked a sudden cold or PMS or something when my friends wanted to go to either, so while I have lots and lots of secondhand experience here, I have never actually been and my facts may be slightly off. I can only hear about how epic something is going to be so many times before I’m out. Fuck

sounds like the parents did a bang-up job raising these kids.

I assumed from the start that Roof’s parents had to have done a shitty job raising them, for the son to turn out the way he did. The daughter’s tone-deaf plea for us to hear of her sufferinggggg right now just confirms it. Does she have no empathy for the victims because she’s as racist as her brother, or because

So sad when people come to Wisconsin and Spotted Cow is their big beer takeaway. It’s not bad, okay; but that stuff tastes like water to me now. There’s so much more out there!

you mean UW-Zero?