
Do you think the gay couple could have overpowered you? Do you think the gay couple felt entitled to your body and attention? Did they follow you? It’s still missing the fear/safety element that is such an important contributing factor in street harassment being so awful.


How about a whole group of enormous, strong gay men, trying to one-up each other and catcalling average dudes who are alone? Because as a woman, my favorite street harassment is always when a bunch of bros who are bigger than me are trying to show off their manliness to each other, and I feel really threatened and

I’ve used Secret solid sticks basically forever (barring a brief experiment with hippy rock salt, oops) but what is with the powder fresh suggestion? Unscented or spring flowers all the way.

I’ve used Secret solid sticks basically forever (barring a brief experiment with hippy rock salt, oops) but what is

The two leads? How much time did we spend on Alex last season? She was barely in it.

“My issue was with the poster of the GIF of “Why you gotta hate black folks.” That post right there doesn’t solve anything, doesn’t in any way positively address any of the issues.”

You started off the thread saying “So where was the outrage when the entire cast wasn’t present on the cover of Essence?” but agree that “There’s a lot of white people in them and not a lot of Black, Asian, everyone other than white people” ...and now you’re talking about some wonderful utopia where we all claim

Has anyone suggested that Vogue should be 100% black women, all the time? No. Nobody has suggested that. White people are not at risk of losing our representation any time in the forseeable future. What are you even talking about, trying to call out the idea of an all-black Vogue cover lineup as some instance of

Tell me one f*cking reason why Essence needs to be called out. It’s a magazine for black women, and they put black women on the cover. Rolling Stone is a magazine for everyone, and they selected only the white women, of a diverse cast, to put on the cover. If you can’t see the problem with Rolling Stone without

You’re taking issue with us calling out Rolling Stone for putting white women on the cover, and followed that up with a statement on how racism persists because of everyone keeping score all the time. What else was I supposed to get from that?

So, racism won’t end until we can just put pretty white girls on magazine covers already?

You really have to cut it out with this one-for-one, point-counting version of equality that you have, and consider the context. There are very good reasons for us to have a black history month, black TV channels, black magazines. When we have really, truly, HONESTLY neutralized the effects of slavery, denial of civil

I wish that people who are so focused on equality would focus more on bringing up the people who are oppressed, and less time focusing on what they think are the special perks of being a minority.

Samiraaaaaaa, yessss

When black people are equally and fairly represented in mainstream media, your point will be valid and I will lead the charge to get white people represented in Essence. (Well, not really.) Until then... why is it that we can only count on them being well-represented on magazines with an intended target audience of


Ugh. Calling someone “cute” as a way to put them in their place? I’m so over it. :/

So you’d be okay rounding up mostly black mothers and forcibly sterilizing them? How about seeing a city’s black population drastically drop over the course of a generation or two, just due to this policy?

Where I live, this would still basically amount to eugenics. We have a terribly segregated population of rich white people and poor black people. You’d more or less end up sweeping through the black neighborhoods doing sterilizations, if this happened in my city. :/

I was packing up my winter clothing last weekend, and every other item that I contemplated putting into the storage bin I actually set aside “for the office”. :/