
Right now I’m sitting in my office, in a building that gives me literal goosebumps year-round, internally screaming about how hard I agree with this post. once it hit 55 degrees outside here in Wisconsin, I think the building maintenance crew started running the AC. I’ve been here a few years now, and every other

Yikes. Even our invite-everyone guest list option didn’t quite reach 200. We opted to only invite about 80, though, and it was the PERFECT size wedding, I think - lots of love, everyone who really really mattered was there, no hurt feelings, but we got to spend at least a little time with all of our guests.

Well, and she’s dead now, so no, it won’t grow back. They’re going to bury their daughter with that shitty hack job of a haircut her dad gave her.

Yeah, years from now. Which is an eternity for anyone who hates their appearance.

Oh, as long as you use it to spread your message, and don’t allow yourself to be corrupted by it, it’s fine! These are the same people who, at some point, had their own TV show, but apparently didn’t have a TV that their own children were allowed to watch.

They agreed to an interview because they want the appearance of being open and honest - they didn’t actually want to BE honest.

The makeup seems like a very intentional (misguided) attempt to make them seem regular, normal, relateable, and modern. “We’re just like every other family!” It’s been their message from the get-go, except now it’s 2015 and we expect contouring of our reality stars.

The reason this might be going so poorly is that they might have someone very good, but that the advice they’re getting is in direct conflict with their “beliefs” / cult teachings / Jim Bob’s ego. It’s tough to reconcile “tell us what to do” with “the husband is in charge, and second only to God”.

Josh would fuck it up. They as a family have nothing to gain from putting him up there. They are masters of spin and perception, and know better than to put him on TV.

The fairy tales that post-apocalyptic children 500 years from now tell each other will all feature reality television stars in place of old witches.

Agreed... the time to grow back is definitely adding insult to very unfortunate initial injury. :(

That was so icky. People like that don’t understand the difference between parenting and retaliation/revenge.

That episode MURDERED me. It was one of the more horrifying things that happened in that season, honestly.

The thing that makes hair cutting particularly awful, especially for girls and anyone else with long hair that they like, is that it takes SO LONG to recover from the assault. Nobody’s grounded for 3 years, but it could easily take that long, or longer, for hair to grow back. To look at yourself in the mirror every

Let me add on:

“I was spanked as a child and turned out just fine!” Yes, except for your violent impulses towards your own children, seems you did turn out great. :/

Agreed. It may seem superficial, but my hair is a part of me, and not letting me be in control of my own body feels... dark. I feel really icked out by hair-cutting as punishment.