el gazpacho

If you read up, you’ll see I pretty clearly acknowledged the rightward shift of American politics. This is a reality we all have to live with, and something we all have to figure in our calculations.

she’s perfect cuz she’s a progressive. If hillary was so great, Warren would have endorsed her. and Hill pretending on thursday night that a woman couldn’t be establishment by virtue of her genitalia was the most cynical thing i’ve heard in awhile. stop pretending this is about sexism. it’s about hillary being just

So you’re telling me people dislike Hillary and what she stands for? What is this country coming to?? Seriously!

Yeah, I seriously doubt they’re going to retire the non-cooperation tactic if Clinton is elected.

Steinem is basically using the argument that misogynists use for why a woman shouldn’t be president, that their ladybits will cloud their judgement. It’s so frustrating that this race has brought out the left’s seeming inability to trust the decisions women make for themselves, I never thought I would have to so

Yes, good point. To be clear: I am a feminist. Just not a gender-reductionist.

There’s also the argument that Bernie has, you know, actually won elections.

She’ll do what Bill did in the 90s. Once she locks up the nomination, she’ll go hard to the center. I don’t think she realizes that tactic may not work anymore.

It’s true that she doesn’t poll as well. Also, Democrats have never done well by picking “established” candidates. Kerry was well-vetted and well-established. Dukakis was too. Obama and Bill Clinton were not; they were agitators and political motivators, and they got the base excited.

I wanna know when it’s time to actually move left again, after the Reagan nonsense killed the middle class. We didn’t wanna do it after Clinton, or after Bush, and we apparently aren’t going to do it after Obama? It’s too “risky” after a Republican is in office, and it’s “time to play it safe and maintain what we’ve

My question - if the left wing of the party gives in and votes practical, do we really believe that HRC will stay to the left? I certainly don’t. I think that she will swing back to center as soon as the immediate pressure is off. If some of the left have been disappointed by Obama’s presidency, I can only imagine how

The country has shifted so far to the right that we have forgotten what liberals are. Reagan would have to run as a Democrat these days.

So is “purity” the new ‘Hillary supporter trying to dismiss Bernie supporters’ buzzword? You people are using it as a hand-wave maneuver when anyone brings up all the blatantly non-progressive things Hillary has done.

It’s becoming a bigger problem because Hilary is seemingly encouraging this behavior though. At a Clinton rally today Madeleine Albright stood next to her on stage and said: “Just Remember: there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.” I mean, really?

The Hill is reporting that Madeleine Albright spoke at a Clinton rally and reminded voters that “there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.”

Yup. Pretty much. I’ve been getting so many nasty looks and general confusion because i’m strongly for Bernie Sanders and despise HRC. “ have boobs and a vagina. How are you not for HRC? She’s a woman!” I’ve been against HRC from the start and i’m a socialist and a Sociologist, why on earth would I NOT

I can’t fully express how awesome it is that supporters of both candidates just can’t stop proclaiming that women are only supporting the opposing candidate because their vaginas make them stupid and illogical.

Oh my GOD, Steinem. How is this helping?!?

If only Warren was running we wouldn’t have this false feminism bullshit.

The worst is being called “self-loathing” for not voting your sex/ethnicity/race/orientation/whatever.