el gazpacho

No. Trump or Cruz would bring disaster on this country quickly (like a heart attack) but with sell-out-corporate-shill-we-putall the minorities-in-jail-to-benefit-private-prison-owners Hillary we’d suffer the far worse fate of lingering in a death bed (like a cancer)#bernieorbust

appreciate your post, I’m a hispanic “hippie” and I hate that the clintons expanded the for profit prison industry on the backs of a lot of minorities. Id vote for her in the general election, if it comes to that, but will throw up a little in my mouth when I do. The Clintons have thrown minorities under the bus for

Thank you speaking the truth. As a hispanic, with black family members, I am so tired of this “progressive” narrative that we’re supposed to be in the tank for the clintons. The expansion of the private, for-profit prison industry started under their watch, turning america into the largest jailer of humans on Earth,

I am so tired of the phrase “berniebros” its reverse sexist bs. Id vote for elizabeth warren in a heartbeat. Yes I hate Hillary, not because of her gender, but because The clinton administration (and don’t say “it was bill’s presidency as a brushoff, she was more a part of policy making then ane vp in history, even

I’m sorry, but i’ve realized I cannot contain myself to just my original post. There are probably thousands, nay. millions of children of divorce in this country who wish their parents got along even half this well, and you choose to make a joke about it? Here’s a funny joke: you are clearly a twenty something hack of

I don’t know if this article was supposed to be funny, but it’s the snarkiest thing I’ve read in my life. If you don’t think divorced people can have a close familial relationship, well frankly, you sound like a childish twentysomething idiot.

I’m in favor of mandatory service for all. two years don’t care if you’re male female, straight gay, black white, or most importantly, how much money your family’s got. When all of our nations sons and daughters are on the line, we will think much more carefully about what wars we actually think we need to get

All of you so-called feminists are acting like we progressives should vote for Hillary just because of what’s between her legs, I care about what’s between her ears, and in her heart. And frankly, what I see there frightens me. She’s a monster, the clinton administration put america on the path to jailing more of it’s

My moms dead. and yes. it’s racist to imply that I (a hispanic) can’t find an old jewish guy to be in my best interest as a voter. You know who else is racist? The clintons. The phenomena of America having more jailed citizens than any other nation on earth (with a hugely disproportionate percentage of blacks and

Hillary is being childish, ecause she expected a coronation, expected no serious competition, expected a cakewalk in Iowa, expected Senator warren was going to endorse her because she’s a woman, expected she would just be handed the nomination because, the Dem establishment was in the tank for her, just like the Repub

And for the record, I’d happily vote for Elizabeth Warren over Hill or Bernie any day. She’s not a shill for the big banks or big pharma like your gal hillary. There’s a good reason she’s not endorsed Hillary.

and I love when people tell me I’m not voting for Hillary because I’m sexist, or my candidate is sexist, simply by virtue of being a male. I hope you Hillary heads can come up with a better defense of your gal other then “Bernie’s not viable” which clearly isn’t true.But all of you whining that every attack is a

I’m hispanic, so I suppose by your rationale I should vote for Cruz? is that what your saying? Your a racist. That old Jew (not considered so white, not so long ago) has got my vote. You can go on about hipster hollywood memes, but look at the man’s policies, not hsi gender or race, racist. And like i sais my mother

I hear you. I’ll vote dem either way, but these hill die hards are acting like she farts cool ocean breeze. Just cause she’s a woman. There like Repubs in their vehemence of being the only true believers. Hillarys followers are going to make me vomit a little in my own mouth if i have to vote for her in the general.

No but my mother was a mother. Nice for you to take it to jerking references. Ah Another voter of substance, who cares about issues. You’re like on of those trump heads.

What’s wrong with all of you people on this thread, acting like Bernie’s being crooked or shifty, as opposed to Hillary? You people really think she won those six coin tosses in a row? Hill’s the most slick political operative in this race, but slickness doesn’r equate to integrity. She made more giving twelve

These threads are so disconcerting, I see many women on here who seem to want Hillary to win just cuz she’s a woman, when the truth is she’s not gonna do squat for the working mothers in this country. Talk about voting against your interests. Hillary will work for wall street if she wins (Glass- Steagle, anyone?)

I know a lot of women wanna see Clinton win, but the truth is Sanders will be better for the women of this country the Hillary will ever be. Hell, he’ll be better for black people in this country than Obama was. Hillary’s not so much a woman to me, so much as just another corporate shill that’s owned by the banks. And

Actually, I believe it’s the dark side of the moon that the nazi’s fled to....

Can’t wait, then!