Whatever happens, it’s always the woman’s fault in a country that denies abortion for any reason. Pretty sure their logic goes along with the American Christian “Taliban”.
Whatever happens, it’s always the woman’s fault in a country that denies abortion for any reason. Pretty sure their logic goes along with the American Christian “Taliban”.
Every time I get caught up in how bad things are in the US right now, I find it far too easy to forget how there are so many places in the world that have it far, far worse. I am embarrassed that I have to be reminded of that from time to time. The absolute hopelessness that humans have to face is our greatest shame…
I think the point is he doesn’t want the traditional girl from back home that his parents wish he’d marry. It’s typical in all immigrant cultures. Parents oftentimes are torn between wanting to give their kids a better life, and feeling regret that their children grew up in a different culture that doesn’t reflect…
Asking seriously, what point does “calling out” white women’s dating privilege serve? How does that help get more movies with women of color as the romantic leads? It seems that the movie industry are the ones who need to be called out, petitioned, emailed, etc.
This...this...this....FFS THAT IS HIS ACTUAL WIFE! Let them make a movie about their love ffs. Celebrate that. Every time you shit on multi-race couples in any order, dynamic, or culture you are just hurting the cause.
Yes, Kumail Nanjiani is a representative for all male POCs and his life choices represent the effects of colonization. Nailed it. /s
The women who look like you are not as big of a prize as the white women.
Thank you for bringing this up, as it was exactly my thought. Also, isn’t Kumail in essence rejecting his parent’s plans for his life by not dating the women they produce rather than rejecting women based on their skin tone?
Yeah, but she has a point. As compared to other minorities? Statistically, Asians are doing far better than everyone else, including white people Not to mention the ugly specter of Asian immigrants being pretty racist against African-Americans and Latinos in order to get in good with white people. It’s a little hard…
As an Asian American man, I am also tired of seeing East Asian women paired up with white men onscreen, as well as in real life.
Such a long whinge. My understanding is that this film is more or less cut straight out of Kumail’s life (and I want to say his wife co-wrote?). I mean honestly, the author is going to die on this particular hill? What, is Kumail supposed to apologize for his life’s story? Go make your own dang movie lady. You can…
No, I have a way worse lived experience and I am refusing to acknowledge as pain higher incomes, lower rates of incarceration, longer lifespans, better healthcare, and not being shot by police as somehow being markers of being “oppressed.”
The movie is based on his real life.
What bugs me is she’s clearly aware it’s based on a true story, as she mentions it in the article. But she still attacks it.
This is very true: Asian women marry out of their race at greater numbers than any other group of women. They actually surpass white women at this, and they mostly marry white dudes.
Yeah...I sort of hate that this movie is being used as the laundry line that airs these issues. It’s an important point that deserves to be heard, but this is literally the third article I’ve read online about The Big Sick mainly discussing issues with white women/Asian men onscreen. It starts feeling like a…
Thank you. I came here to say this. People keep asking for stories about real people that are inclusive. THIS IS A FUCKING REAL STORY THAT IS INCLUSIVE. SO REAL IN FACT THAT IT FUCKING HAPPENED. Unless white women now have to either date within their race or no one is allowed to tell true stories about interracial…
I agree but isn’t this particular movie a true story? I don’t think it belongs quite in the same category because it was Kumail’s real life experience with his current partner and not a fictional creation. Thoughts?
And by earning white love, the Asian man gains acceptance in a society that has thwarted them from the very beginning.