“Wouldn’t they be just as likely to ask for a chair with or without a button announcing their condition?”
“Wouldn’t they be just as likely to ask for a chair with or without a button announcing their condition?”
“more than half of us”
Even if the cost of living in Chicago isn’t quite at NY/LA/SF level unaffordable, the salaries displayed in that photo are impossibly low for people with 15 -39 years professional experience. They must all have to moonlight at other jobs to make ends meet.
So this guy went by himself into an alley to fight two NFL players? Am I drunk and reading this wrong?
But the Caps lost?
It’s part of vitals - which is all healthcare . . .
lol. congrats, you played yourself.
Alas, his only aloe for that burn is having magnitudes more money than you ever will.
Yo burke how does a dude say faggots and get ungreyed here. I got permagreyed once for saying burneko was being meanspirited, should i have just called him a faggot and it would have been fine?
Look, I skimmed your posting history, and you seem like a cool guy. But that F word at the end there is going to turn everyone here against you, so you know.
This was a stupid take until the end. Then it was hate speech.
You had me right until the end there.
I’m taking Alvarez by a close decision. Too big and fast for GGG. No knock-downs. Probably an entertaining fight. Looking forward to it.
Are you nuts? Do you think no one was injured or died or ever drank heavily when college was just for rich, connected people? Do you think dangerous fraternity rituals were invented in 1995?
Expelling someone over legal, off-campus activities seems a bit questionable to me. I guess if that sort of thing is written into a student “honor code” then the university might be able to act. Otherwise you’re just talking about legal adults joining a group that has nothing to do with the university.
Well, if you would have stopped PICKING THE FUCKING RAIDERS EVERY DAMN TIME then maybe it would have never come to that!
What the hell are you talking about?
Alabama has a higher percentage of black people than 44 other states.
This movie was so important to 11-year-old me. And Elizabeth Hurley was so damn hot and funny in this movie. I wanted to beeeeee her.