Holy SHIT, that first uppercut.
Massive massive fight. Best heavyweight fight I’ve seen in over a decade. I’m jumping on the aj bandwagon.
On one hand, a guy hasn’t been convicted or even charged if anything. He’s free to seek employment and teams are free to draft him.
You don’t leave it to chance.
Are you in Chicago proper, or somewhere like Naperville?
Leave it to the Bears to make the first hard right turn, then barrel at full speed through the stupidity wall before anybody else.
Isn’t his whole thing about “bailing out insurance companies” just him not wanting to make the normal federal payments as part of the ACA so every insurance company doesn’t drop out of the marketplace and leave everyone with a plan through the marketplace completely fucked?
Of course he is, he eats pieces of shit for breakfast.
Lol classic
He will only ever be Shooter McGavon as far as I’m concerned.
An aside: How did Christopher McDonald not become a huge star? Anything he’s ever popped up in, he’s been amazing.
She’s over 4, stupid.
I work with doctors and doctors-to-be. I prefer women doctors for me but there are some male doctors who are wonderful whom I would consider seeing. One thing I would tell any person who either gets really bad news or really good news when he/she has a problem: GET A SECOND OPINION. Doctors are human and machines and…
106 year old from the Bronx named Danny Almonte took home the male title
Among his sins against the American people is how O’Reilly weaponized the ignorance of some in his audience. He help found the current cadre of far-right thought leaders and helped push their ideas to the mainstream.
Close...eat shit all BFIB!
Yeah, man. Nailed it. NO WAY is Heyward better than Melky Cabrera or Leury Garcia.
Wasting your time here commenting on Deadspin. You should be writing articles for Fangraphs or Baseball Prospectus.
Good to see the hard work paying off for Heyward.
To be fair, a billionaire owner having 0.1% of his net worth invested in a company that has 1% of its assets invested in a bankrupt casino company as part of a hundred various companies it’s invested in really *shouldn’t* be a story. The story is of course that the NFL are massive hypocrites on the issue, but I think…