Someone should let Ralph Nadir in on this.
Someone should let Ralph Nadir in on this.
I think he is confused by solid paragraph structure and grammar. Maybe try throwing in some unnecessary commas.
She won an Oscar, she’s allowed to cry!
Well Okay. Maybe just for Palm Sunday though.
No no... “feels” he should be armed is not it. It is about right to be armed. The last thing this is about to a guy at a racetrack in Texas is “feelings”.
Striker, you’re coming in too fast!
Looks like it will be a real bummer.
Remember kids. Smoking is not coo.
You can’t parkour that horse here!
I had hoped this would never happen here but I have to take issue with one statement in this article. I am pretty damn sure NO part of U.S. 20 in Indiana has a marked speed limit of 70 mph. The two lane road in that picture is probably marked as 50. Okay, continue with the tomfoolery...
I just want them to mix it up. I like Dolt45 and Wypiprez myself.
Didn’t McCorkle III win this last year?
I have to say that in Bloomington it feels like Indiana is Chicago’s Big10 team. We are also NYC’s and more New Jersey’s than even Rutgers. It probably feels like this in a college towns I suppose.
Now that the video is fixed, my comment has really lost its firmness.
That video is like watching scrambled soft core on Spice.
An Argentine being picky about food... Don’t have a cow?
Man I had to scroll a long way for this. +1 and thanks for all the fish.
Only safe venue for a bald man to yell “Get on top of her!”?
Fuckin’ buttery males!