
I’m going to take this opportunity to point out that Gizmodo STILL hasn't reported on Ariana Grande's shady dealings either, you liberal-biased lizardmen puppet! 

Is Gizmodo also going to write about the evidence that YouTube has been blacklisting and censoring Tulsi Gabbard?

2030: You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!”

Remember when a democrat had the gall to get excited?

Nothing. But it still astounds me that previous politicians have had their entire legacies defined by the kind of gaffes and deliberate behavior that Trump does every single day.

I’ve worked in downtown Seattle for nearly 10 years and I’m here to tell you that this person is full of shit.

the internet wasn’t a mistake, social media was

The profits will trickle down somehow, I’m sure of it!

It’s bigly up there, believe me.

NBA removes a tweet, fuck em, let’s boycott them.

So you're saying they were drunk?

Wanna stop immigration. Crack down on employers employing illegal immigrants.

Yes, but I will say Steve jobs was at least Grand Master level at bullshitting. Elon Musk is more mid rank at it.

Isn’t this also exactly Steve Jobs’ bio?  

People think this guy is a genius because he “came up” with the ideas of “what if cars had batteries” and “space is cool”. He doesn’t do anything but fund actual smart people in these endeavors. What he, and other people like him, are actually good at is manipulation. He manipulates his employees into believing he’s

They most certainly have that right.

“My brother is a special education teacher, and he could likely never afford a service like this, but that doesn’t mean I view his worth to society as less than mine.”

That’s a good point, though, to be fair, an airliner is a much simpler life support setup than a spaceship, and is expected to run for hours, not months at a time.

Right, so - I’m a commercial/portrait photographer in Chicago. I moved to Nikon full frames from Canon a while back, so I can’t speak to the pros/cons of this particular lens, but I will tell you my experience with both brands of “L” style glass (Nikon has a similar thing with their “Gold Band” lenses) and you

Right, so - I’m a commercial/portrait photographer in Chicago. I moved to Nikon full frames from Canon a while back,