If this can/will cause issues with medical devices and other critical technologies why are people still allowed to use it to temporarily cause plastic sacs to float?
If this can/will cause issues with medical devices and other critical technologies why are people still allowed to use it to temporarily cause plastic sacs to float?
Just put a warning label on them. I’m sure there will be no issues.
Hydrogen balloons... Lighter than helium.
I mean, in fairness to the British, we did a pretty extensive job of colonizing this one.
Everytime you hear Bezos talk about the future, remember this is the guy who said the Segway was going to “change the way cities are designed.”
One way of coming up with more “Einsteins” and “Mozarts” is to help eradicate poverty here on Earth and help expand the middle classes. (It’s not a false dichmotomy; we should do both: eliminate poverty - an artifical constraint - and space exploration (and attempts in space colonisation)).
I really mean it. I think the key to saving humanity—at least in its current form as bipedal, oxygen-breathing primates—is always going to be sustaining the Earth. Space habs could maybe offer a very temporary stopgap in the event of some huge cataclysm, but even then I imagine the key to our survival will be…
Counterpoint: Space is absolutely key to saving our species. Humanity is 100% doomed if it doesn’t figure out how to establish permanent habitats in space or on other planetary bodies. Being confined to one planet makes a species vulnerable or more vulnerable, just off the top of my head, to (1) asteroid/comet…
eh, surviving 1 through 4, and 6 on Earth will be easier than maintaining a sustainable colony elsewhere.
If we need to modify our biology and our ecology to a degree that we become unrecognizable as the same species, which we would pretty much need to do to survive long-term in space, is that saving our species or just replacing our species with a bunch of similar ones? Or bifurcating humanity into the privileged few who…
The sun’s expansion into a red giant? Really? That is literally *Carl Sagan voice* billions of years away.
Is it going to be more Elysium or Blade Runner?
Little too on the nose of Elysium in the look and feel.
And considering how he treats the warehouse workers (aka the ones on Earth).....yea, he is going full on Elysium here.
That’s my nightmare. NASA comes out with this new “#Moon24" proposal, and to try and minimize the need for new funding from Congress it cuts deep into the Earth Science and Space Science budgets.
There’s a simple fix for this. Some heat can just be put on the Trump-friendly Governor of Florida to replace the head of the Department of Health with someone more “cooperative” and “business friendly”. Just like what’s happened with the EPA, DOE, HUD...
No, I am not being hyperbolic. What I have said represents the exact behavior and rhetoric Trump and those defending Trump have routinely displayed. If they could get away with doing it, they would. But they can’t because a majority of Americans understand what a shitbag this president is and fight him at every turn.
I always see this meme and think what would happen if the public didn’t gave a shit what Donald Trump did. If no one out there was concerned with his obvious corruption, his pathological lying, his bigotry, his absolute disregard for the norms and laws that guide our republic, what would America look like?
I’ve said it before: it’s sad and unfortunate but Trump perfectly represents modern America.
I’ll bet they clean the filters out only when there’s a backup/clog so there’s at least 100 bandaids in there.
You forgot the prequel to all these, The Good Earth. Also set in China!