Also society conveniently DOESN’T talk about the real aftermath from murder/gun violence.
Also society conveniently DOESN’T talk about the real aftermath from murder/gun violence.
hang on. i have some candidates that have to pass my impossible purity test.
While I hate Trump this problem was before him and has more to do with the NRA, GOP, & brainwashed idiots that think they have the right to any gun ever created. I can’t imagine how hopeless it must seem to lose a child, watch others continue to lose their children & know that no matter what you try to do to change…
Maybe we should have let Darwin sort out Texas. After that Florida. Most problems solved.
There’s a reason they call that area “Cancer Alley”. From the Huston ship channel that area at night always reminded me of the opening scene of Blade Runner...
Hello, editor here. The ppm/ppb discrepancy was completely my fault and the consequence of attempting to edit after three hours of coaching college kids on science writing without sufficient caffeine. It has been fixed.
I live here in Nebraska, and man this is no joke. Gravel roads are just gone. I’ve seen roads where there a couple feet of mud over them. We’ve had spring floods before. But this was something of another magnitude. It was jaw dropping to watch as concrete bridges were lifted from their shores and floated away on huge…
This is not a fault in the autopilot, which already has its own warning light and buzzer. This is a brand new type of system, which can affect your flight even when the autopilot is off. In theory, it’s supposed to prevent the plane from stalling in unusual situations, and could save lives. But in this case, it was…
oh, the robot would make sure the UK isn’t part of the European Union.... or any other country, for that matter.
This. America’s finest.
I wouldn’t.
After nearly 35 years of Apple desktop computers I’m on my last one. When this iMac dies I’m not replacing it with an Apple computer. They’ve lost their way, and aren’t really producing desktops or laptops for consumers anymore. It’s like they stopped caring.
I could see someone making a Monument Valley-esque game that bends perception to complete puzzles, or other puzzles that rely on bending or splitting light.
Nah. Majored in ultimate and bud.
You’re missing the point. The parents care very little about the actual educational value of the experience they’re buying for their child, or really about the child at all. They are paying to say “my child got into *”, where * is a school their country club buddy’s wife who is also at the table has heard of.
Saying “My…
I think the fact they were admitted as athletics recruits means actual student athletes didn’t get those same spots. Donating a building is more like bribery instead of deception and fraud, but talented kids lose those spots as well.
You could at least make the argument that donating a building will benefit all students of the university. They were just padding the pockets of a few individuals.