
Ugh, go away.

Exactly. Money has greater value to society at large when it's moving between many points, and not stockpiled in a few.

Prosecute swatters as attempted murder.

After 12 years on and off the pill, I decided to get an IUD. Very long story short, I was about 2 minutes in before I screamed bloody murder, cried and told the doctor to stop. If you haven't had kids yet, IUD's can be very painful to get put in. I am back on the good 'ole pill. And, I am also not a giant baby when it

The different efficacy rates come from the concepts of "perfect use" and "typical use". Typically, someone does not manage to take their basal temperature, exam their cervical mucus, and chart it everyday. Plus, ya know, have a super regular period. So in a perfect world, where you have a perfect 28 day cycle every

The True American Drinking Game

you're only responsible until you make a mistake. And most of you will make a mistake. It may not end up this badly but you will make a mistake.

Law-abiding gun owners. Responsible gun owners. Centaurs with golden colons. Mermaids with emerald sphyncters.

you went to college! Lol. You went to college and never came across the most basic concepts in statistics?

Seems like the reflection is at an incorrect angle. Should be straight down if not even a little to the right. Definitely not back to the left...

You think, "Okay, suppose that I have blue eyes. I know Alain and Hisako have green eyes.

I have to ask this:

If the intent is to show that the teenager isn't of sound mind/capable mind to decide the fate of a fetus, isn't it equally as easy, if not easier, to argue that the same teenager isn't capable of raising a child?

Did you even read the fucking post?

Except that's NOT what he's saying. He wants it to be harder, but the game won't let him. Why does Blizzard have to hold your hand and condescendingly tell you that even though harder modes are available, you can't play them yet?

Donnie Darko was terrible, with or without explanation.

'In the future, we'll have big mines and powerful factories busily grinding away at making nothing at all.'

Girls love that +1 Handicraft.

Phillip J Fry. He's LITERALLY his own grandpa!

Dat mustache...