trump would be lucky to hit 80.
trump would be lucky to hit 80.
This is unfortunately too true. I recall as young undergraduate how commonplace it was for classmates who were self-proclaimed proudly feminist men to snap back immediately on a particular woman when she ultimately rejected them—and suddenly it was an endless tirade of misogynistic caricatures spewing forth. As though…
Those aren’t pearls, those are Sean Spicer’s teeth.
Society allows white men to make mistakes. Women and POC not so much. It was never about her emails. Just like how people aren’t really mad at the kneeling for the national anthem. They’re mad that black men are being uppity.
Always worth repeating: “Rape Joke” by Patricia Lockwood
As someone who is currently in school to be an ASL interpreter, this situation is one that happens daily. The only difference is that this one was televised instead of happening in a private doctor’s office or K-12 classroom. Deaf and hard of hearing people deserve qualified and certified interpreters who are held to…
I am always pissed off when people are all “Why didn’t they just leave?” Well, let me tell you as someone who could have been in that position. Where are you going to go? You don’t have a rely on public transportation...whoops..that’s stopped running. Maybe you have relatives that can come get you, but…
Just an update because a lot of you were super supportive last year when my daughter was having serious issues with her mental illness: school has started, she’s a freshman this year and she’s doing so damn well! She’s even in pep squad which has taken us all by surprise, but fuck it! She loves it so we figure it’s…
These pleas for proof-readers have been going on for years...but NOT from the days of Dodai. Things started their steep decline when she left.
Bullshit - Penny Pritzker was Obama’s Commerce Secretary and is worth $2.6 billion and yet I didn’t see her or her family posting personal social media pictures of their “fab life” or telling other people to suck it. I mean, come on, Pritzker makes 5 times the sacrifice that Liston and Mnunchin do so she should be 5…
I read something once that stuck with me about male privilege and toxic masculinity. I don’t beat women, but all of the men who do make that look like an accomplishment where I can brag that “I’ve never beat a woman.” It wouldn’t occur to me to brag about “I’ve never burned down an orphanage” because nobody does…
That’s why he buys country clubs. He’d never get in one otherwise.
He he. Trump is well known to attend fancy black tie fundraising events simply to be seen. These are often charities for arts funding. There’s a very long, well documented history of Trump showing up and donating absolutely nothing. He makes a big show of bidding at charity auctions but starts low, and drops out so…
That’s why New York’s elite have always mocked Trump. He’s the hillbilly’s idea of a rich man. Old money New Yorkers not only don’t have gold plated penthouses, they wouldn’t step foot in one.
“...the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!”
Please. This is cute and all, but as a kid, my friends and I did better than that in the streets, using TWO ropes at once,while singing and not yelling. Sometimes backwards. #doubledutchgirlsrule
They’re even bad at crime! They’re just a bunch of middlemen being used by actual criminals because of their cupidity and drooling egos.
My friend laughed at me because as the trailers came to a close, I put my hands to my face and whispered/pleaded, “please let this movie be good.”
Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!