
Look, without making myself completely doxxable, I will say that this falls under my wheelhouse of expertise and as far as I can tell, the truth of the matter is that this was a truly impossible situation for Comey. “Sources and methods” may be a vague concept for most people, but the reality is that years of work and

The message I got from this is that Scott is NOT a fun partier. He’s a binge drinker who is out of control and likely blacks out, drunk pees in the closet or bed and says terrible and embarrassing things with zero memory the next day. Bet you he also constantly reeks of booze as his body attempts to metabolize the

Trey Fucking Gowdy? Jesus fuck.

As Trump digs himself deeper and deeper into a Russia-sized hole, his lawyers - honored as the 2016 Russia Law Firm of the Year - have announced that his tax returns in the past decades do not show “any income of any type from Russian sources,” with a few exceptions.

One day, the kids will see the movie and ask, “Did it really happen like that?” And we will shake our heads sadly and explain that, no, it was so much stupider.

He probably should have been fired?

I am the Aunt who has taken it upon myself to have the sexting and your google footprint convo, the salvia-synthetic weed psychosis convo, the drunk friend/grown up driving you home convo and the “all your friends are likable a-holes, so let’s talk about dangerous situaions with you and your idiot friends” convo.


Based on that pic I will refer to him as Clairol Shag Mullett and nothing else.

I love Jason Statham and I love The Rock. I loved their scenes together. They are both simmering cauldrons of sexy charisma so YES PLEASE will take movie featuring only them doing some silly mission and giant explosions.

Glad Brogressives cleared that up. My lady brain could never grasp how my economic status will improve when unwanted pregnancy prevents me from obtaining a higher education. As long as we have free college that Bernie wanted for us, women should have no more barriers, right? Abortion, paid leave, government funded

Someone else may have already mentioned this, but the shadiest element of the Icarus comparison may be that his father Daedalus was a prisoner.

Yeah, when Henry I-Was-Cool-With-Nixon Kissinger gives you the cold shoulder because of who you’re in bed with politically, you know you fucked up somewhere.

You’re right. Kissinger’s ability to diss someone who is unfortunately relevant in a way we find momentarily entertaining as we all prepare for various dystopian fictions to manifest into our current reality also translates to complete forgiveness and unanimous approval for Henry Kissinger.

Or are we just saying ‘even

Kissinger knows everybody of consequence in global politics. He vaguely recalls meeting Kushner at what sounds like a book signing. *ouch* You, Jared, have been consigned to the Lightweights of History bin by a man who has green-lighted more genocides than you’ve cut real estate deals. Howzzat feel?

Ugh and when he went after Dolores Huerta and Jon Lewis. And the blacks in ghettos comment. And during the debates he was so condescending and dismissive to Hillary it was painful to watch. What sucks is I agree with about 99% of what he says but somehow he is able to preach economic justice while alienating

And yet he jumped down Hillary’s throat because she endorsed a $12 vs $15 minimum wage based on actual progressive economists research.

But I think you just can’t exclude people who disagree with us on one issue.

“Trump has no ties with Russia”