Too Shy

It's a scary thought, never finding someone to love and be together with… But, after being through awful stuff, I keep telling myself it's better to be single and not settle for someone I wouldn't be happy with. No one actually needs another person to be whole.

I'm the 0.01%!

That's the kind of relationship I have with music too. Maybe that's why listening to music in other languages (like French or Japanese) that I don't understand much of doesn't bother me. I know a lot of people don't get how I can listen to it, but… it sounds good! I like it! I don't care what they sing about!

TMI? In the comments to the Dan Savage column? No such thing!

Glad to hear I'm not the only one with talking ginger in the fridge!

That's terrifying! Sadly, I've seen stuff like that too, and I've been wanting to fight against it, but it feels impossible. Nothing you say will change their minds…

That's terrible! That sounds like a horrible experience! Makes me wonder why the guy hasn't fixed his cock problem, but maybe he really hasn't had much sex and so hasn't realized just how big the problem can be… Upvoted for sympathy (and because you tell good stories).

Why? Wouldn't it be more fun if I weren't? (but yeah, straight female)

I'll celebrate this revelation by masturbating and thinking of all the penis I will blow in the future!

Wait. You mean I don't have to look like my type to be considered attractive by someone and/or loved? … I think I need to go think about this for a while. Thanks.

I've reached a point where I can sometimes convince myself to not go full-on anxiety weeks or days before doing something that terrifies me by telling myself that I really don't have the energy for that kind of enormous emotional reaction right then. I'll do it later, I tell myself. I'm tired all the time and I

I'm the opposite. I'm also an alto, but the angrier I get, the darker my voice goes. People live in fear of me taking out my "shut the dog up from across the garden"-voice or the one I apparently use when chewing people out when they've managed to make me forget how afraid I am of confrontations and run on anger-fumes

Sounds like you've been busy. It fascinates me that more things happen to you during a night and a day and a night than in some people's entire lives. Honestly, I'd love to read a whole book about your adventures.

I have simple wishes. I wish I will get laid in 2016. Because that would be nice. Preferably more than once. I do have a potential date in January, so…

I'm so glad you're still here to write this and share it with us!

Huh. Around my parts of the world, it's like three or four times as expensive to buy what you drink at a bar than in a store.

Same for me. There's a lot of hoops to jump through here for people to be able to own a gun. My dad hunts moose, deer, and wild boar… so tasty! But yeah, special gun safe, and locked away from the also locked away ammo. Ammosexual people terrify me.

I'm glad my worst mistakes happened before the internet… There's no proof!

I really hope your job prospects get back to you with the news you want. As for the boy… it could well be that he is busy, and that he also is sincere with his sweetness towards you. I'm notoriously bad at keeping in touch with people myself as soon as I get overwhelmed with stuff, so I know it can be true!

Hey, I've walked past Woodhenge twice while on holiday… the person I was there with (a former best friend) had lured me to the area by promising we'd also visit Stonehenge, but then she got weird, sick, and we never got there. She also forbade me to go on my own. Weird holiday spent in a dingy, moldy motel. Let's just