Too Shy

This will be my first Thanksgiving due to not being American and not living in the US. But my sister-in-law is American, so… I'm just excited to eat turkey, because I love turkey! She bought two (because turkeys are tiny in this country)… so I'll stuff myself with food, and then go home if I can still move. Doubtful

Gratitude helps me… Just a simple thing like thinking of three things I can be grateful for this day, and they can be small things, helps me focus on something positive. Not sure if it gives me hope, per se. But it does give me less fear and anxiety, if I keep it up.

I didn't get the enjoyment of weight loss, because fewer calories didn't really happen (what? I enjoy tasty food!), but I do enjoy the continued lack of diarrhea since I stopped eating gluten. Not saying I'm sick or allergic though.

Not only fucked up, but manipulative and guilt-flinging as all hell too.

Is it really that hard for people to accept that not everyone is a morning person? I refuse to say good morning, most I do is mumble 'morning'. They can take that as they wish. But mornings are just painful!

Sorry to hear this, that sucks! Lawful Good… that's terrible! The best I can manage is Chaotic Good!

I had to think long and hard about this… I'm not too concerned about my enormous porn stash, either the vids or the stuff I've written, because pretty much all my friends and my parents know about that. The bdsm stuff isn't bothering me much either, since my mum was actually the person who saved me from the horrid

Aha! I'd only heard about some physicists saying we may all be part of a hologram universe or somesuch, but maybe those physicists need to factor in the possibility that the hologram has been created by an advice columnist!

Can we be certain that Dan didn't write that letter himself, pretending it's from that guy?

"It's not your fault you were abused." Said by a stranger on the internet who happened to come across something I'd written about my ordeal and my struggle with it. Those words made me break down and cry for two days, and have since given me the courage and strength to rebuild my self-esteem.

Gaslighting is truly terrible! I am sorry you went through shit like that. I do think that acting like they are forgotten is sort of good, because it implies how small and insignificant they are as human beings… At least that's what I tell myself when I lie awake in the middle of night.

That's a pretty good revenge! Make them wait for it… forever!

I actually didn't think of that last bit! I always just assumed that he thought I (specifically) wasn't worthy of his attention! Ah… the stuff I need to unlearn after a decade with an abusive psychopath. Thanks for pointing that out!

You know, it actually makes me feel a lot better about the whole thing to hear that other people thinks he sounds like an asshole. Why someone would ignore the person in front of them when on a date doesn't make sense to me, but I'm a bit broken from previous abusive relationship, so I often don't trust my judgement.

Yeah, I think you're right. Sadly, the world is full of shitty people. I need to get better at weeding them out before I have sex with them, and before I start liking them and as a consequence get a little too close to see the whole picture.

A few years ago I dated a man who was poly and the reason I gave up on that was not that he was poly because, hey, I can definitely see myself loving two people at the same time, etc, but because when he did spend time with me, all he talked about was this or that woman he picked up at a pub a few days ago and how the

So glad that you got away safely from that! That's terrifying! (But a damn good story to tell by the campfire!)

Sadly, I have a few. I try to get over them, but it's hard. Anyway:

Damn you, now my curiosity has pulled me another step closer to also trying it. I know I'm probably going to regret it… or not. It might be the best thing ever!

Good to know I'm being penetrated by something at least!