Too Shy

Hmm. I'd actually appreciate dinner for free by a chef more, since I'd be given something that others have to pay for and I do not. It would make me feel special, I guess. But we're all different.

I'm very lucky in that I'm not particularly ticklish, so I can just look at them, raise one eyebrow, and calmly ask them what they're doing. It usually freaks them out so much that they never try again. (I perfected that raising one eyebrow thing when I was a kid with a severe crush on Mr Spock, btw. It has turned out

That would be the best and most honest reply. I'm not sure it would lead to good things in real life, though, but then again, the question itself has made sure there is no good ending to the situation.

It sounds so much like "Do I look fat in this dress?"

Congratulations! Anal is the best!

I know, I know. I should stop expecting decency from humanity.

It would also be nice if they were pro-life after the fetus is born, and none of that no help, no health care, no food stamps, etc for poor kids.

Yeah, there's not much I can think of that would be more stressful. I've seen so many relationships end halfway through a house renovation.

Being messy is never adorable, though.

I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! Being sick really sucks.

It also sounds a lot like envy he doesn't want to admit to having.

Sounds like that would take all the fun out of it.

I fit in with my closest family (parents, brother, sis-in-law), but compared to aunts, cousins, half-siblings, etc, I'm an anomaly. My life is not the perfect thing with a spouse and a house and a dog and 2.5 kids and a normal job, etc. I don't even have normal music taste or interests, in their eyes. I'm not sad I've

It's an expensive fetish.

I'd nope out of it too. The best thing to do is probably to silently observe the fall-out, and maybe to place bets on when it's going to blow up or who will cheat first…

All the best wishes back to you! And I'm okay with not being lucky in mahjong, as I don't play it.

I actually feel like that too. I still work on getting into shape,getting healthier, and looking as cute as I can though, because at least then I will like myself better. I guess I hope that if I like myself more, then maybe someone else will too.

Not a joke. He actually did that. Many times.

Well, I'm confident that there has to be someone out there for us too! It's just hard to find them.

Casual sex is a big part of the internet dating world, I've realized. I'm not looking for casual sex, but sadly, through the manipulations of the psycho ex bf, I have become wired so that I easily put out on the first date. It often doesn't end well, and I end up being steamrolled. That's why I want to have at least