Too Shy

That wall-sex stuff is really hot! Have to admit I squee a little when I come across that in my porn. And then I start breathing heavily…

A four poster bed is indeed excellent for that, but a canopy makes it tricky to wield a whip…

One of my exes was into sounding… I mostly watched. It was kind of fascinating actually.

I am lucky in this regard too, and it's always fun to time it with the guy… Something about a guy coming sets me off too.

I don't want to go to Ikea in my town anymore. Two days ago, double homicide, two innocent people, a mother and her son, were brutally murdered, one of them decapitated (according to eyewitnesses, because media won't say peep about anything atm because it's "sensitive information")… and I wasn't even surprised when I

Holy fuck, that's a lot of cock! I might be stuck watching this stuff for a while! Thanks!

Nothing wrong with tentacles. I might look funny at you for the three heads though.

A very nice chocolate frosting, I'd say!

Wasting time online can bring us the greatest gems sometimes! So, not always actually a waste.

Having experienced living with a psychopathic abuser for over ten years, I can only say "this". Sad thing is that it takes time to realise that leaving is really not as scary as staying, no matter what will happen. I keep wishing I'd left earlier, that my breaking point had come sooner, but whatever. I'm free and

You made me giggle about the six foot hedge, seriously. Yeah, I've tried trimming. And when people complain about outgrowth after shaving, I just think it's nothing compared to the prickliness of the trimmed bush. I guess we're all different. But I'll keep your tip about beard trimmers in mind for when my girl friends

Hmm… I shave all the things, but I do it for myself. I'm single and masturbate, of course, and I feel like I can't feel a damn thing if there's a whole rug between my fingers (or vibrator) and my pussy. There's so much sensitive skin, eager to be caressed and pleasured, hidden underneath all that hair. And I prefer an

It would be easier to follow you if we knew your instagram handle. Just saying.

I upvoted Sweden, and I'm from Sweden!

Wishful-thinking but favourite gay pairing: Byakuya and Renji from Bleach. I just have a thing for them and the dynamic between them. Power difference, difference in upbringing, origins, and manners, etc.

That's okay though. Someone has to top!

as long as that's the only thing you pull out of your ass…

I thought the same about Ranma and Ryoga, so you're not alone (in not getting out much).

I'm into gay porn because it has more cock than straight porn, and I'm turned off by lady-parts, because of nasty rapey experiences in the past, so I don't want to see them in my porn. So, gay porn is awesome to me. The more cocks, the better!

That sounds like me!