Too Shy

Big dick problems definitely exist. I lost my virginity to a guy hung like a horse. Ahem. Took me a whole damn hour to get on that damn thing, with a lot of pain… He was very patient though, I have to say! I'd appreciate him more these days…

They expect the woman's reply to "hi" (and that's the message in its entirety) to be "want to fuck?", really? I mean, that could be the reply a few messages later, but hardly the first they will get.

Well they're not getting to the fucking level if they don't first clear the dating level. And to do that, they have to interact some with the villagers and the barkeep, etc. to get the quest. I mean date. And that takes more than mono-syllable communication. Because I'm certainly not on OKC to play 20 questions.

What's most annoying with those "hi"-only messages, is that when I do reply to them, maybe thinking the guy is cute or something, and I try to start a conversation, usually involving some kind of question, I get one word back as a response. "How are you?" "Good."; "Seen any good movies lately?", "No."; "Doing anything

I know assuming things is a bad thing to do, but I'm still going to assume that your uncle Billy Bob beat up those guys out of homophobic and assholish reasons, not because of a medically driven psychosis that he regrets to hell and back afterwards? I'm also going to assume that your uncle Billy Bob isn't himself gay.

This makes me think I should hand out creepy internet stranger hugs more often! (Although, if I do it too often I won't be a stranger anymore, I guess.)

What a nightmare! It sounds like something akin to Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde… complete personality switch. My reaction as I read this was to want to give you a creepy internet stranger hug…

Not 26, but I turn 27 every year. Done that for a number of years now and it still works!

Intercrural is between the thighs, I think.

It's an important contribution!

A lot, apparantly? I don't write "erotica" though, I just write kinky gay porn. (like so many other straight women) It's a fun hobby.

Thank you! Yeah, he was pretty psycho actually. Sadly, I didn't see it until it was much too late. The usual gradual descent into abusive hell, complete with brainwashing and rape. So, I am so glad I got out of it alive and (mostly) sane. And still enjoying sex!

He said he was from Tokyo, but he could have been lying of course.

I once had sex with a Japanese guy. It was really good, but I was surprised that his cock wasn't pixelated. It looked just like any other non-Japanese cock.

Ouch! My ass is not liking that joke! (I still laugh at it though.) Then again… I've read (bad) porn where they use peanut butter or honey as lube. I wouldn't recommend that either.

Thank you! Took me a couple of years to realize that he was abusive and that I had the right to say no, but then I got the hell out of there.

My ex also doubted that, so he kept forcing me to have sex with girls he picked up. All it made me was unable to watch het (and lesbian) porn. (It also made him my ex.) Women who love cock exclusively do exist. At least I think I exist, but I haven't yet had morning coffee, so…

Definitely a feature. Several of my ex bfs/dates have been bi… The anal sex with them was so much better than with the straight guys. Straight guys seem to not understand the concept of lube, even if explained to them. ("No, it's not self-lubricating. Is yours?") And I kind of like not having to do everything myself

I was just a teenager, and so was he so… yeah, we kept going.

It would be so much easier if they gave off those vibes all the time, because then you wouldn't end up in a relationship with one. But… the charm and the amusing anecdotes and the helpfulness and the genuine attention and kindness sort of cover it up. At least from the start. And then makes you think that they're not