Too Shy

To me, it doesn't sound like you're that annoying guy! In my case, I started exchanging messages on OKC with him exactly one week ago, and the last three days he's messaged me about 30 times a day. If I don't reply, it takes maybe 10 minutes and then he messages again, sometimes just a word, sometimes asking where I

yeah, true. We're all different, and me being introvert means my sense of too much is not necessarily everyone else's. I did tell him I actually have a job etc and can't have my phone on all the time, and he promised to take it down a few notches. But I'm not exactly seeing any change. He's still sweet though, so I'm


Thanks! Yeah, he's said he's not experienced with the few kinks he's suggested, and has been all "oooh, older experienced woman!!" from the start.

I have to be weirdly non-kinky in that for AYW's letter I actually imagined his new love bitching about him having a photo album with pictures from his and his late wife's life (vacations, dinners at in-laws, xmas pics etc)… Anyway.

Because my ex was a sleazebag extraordinaire, and boundaries didn't exist to him. :( It was icky for me too, because I was so not interested. In the end I realized it was impossible to be friends with them because they'd never stop.
Threesomes with two guys I'm interested in, on the other hand? I'd be all for that! :)


I watched the first season, I think… And then life happened and I never really got back to it, apart from an episode here and there. Didn't it go really weird after a few seasons?

You should organize it as you download it, not afterwards! It should be possible to save the stuff in the folders/places you want, immediately. (I have a 1TB external drive for my gay porn, everything gets saved on there in appropriate folders, no cleanup necessary, except for the usual tissues etc.)

That really shouldn't have made me laugh as much as it did. :D

Haha, that's okay! Thank you! Oh, and I'll have to remember that. For some reason I always go around thinking no one else is ever nervous or afraid.

Whoa! No! LOL Um, I never watched much X-Files… I really am too shy. ;)

My ex and his gf used to give me sex toys, and then invite me to their bed. It was really icky, since there were reasons he was my ex. But dildo from Santa? I think I'd pass on that one too… He's a little too creepy.

Actually, that puts my silly worrying into perspective. I think of what I actually have to lose, and I come up with… sleep. I lose that anyway. Thanks!

Thanks! Yeah, I'm worrying too much, aren't I?

Trying to decide whether to contact this guy on OKCupid… We talked a bit over a year ago first, went out for coffee, and have some interests in common, so it wasn't completely awkward. Lost contact because of reasons (me getting a friend from the US visiting for a few weeks and then he going out of town for a few

Bring on the tentacles!!! *ahem* I mean, yeah, they're cool. :)

if you watch enough pixelated cocks you learn how to see through the pixelation and it's like watching the real thing. ;) Then again, it was a year since I actually saw one in person. Need to date more this year, obviously.

I had a bf who used to surprise me with threesomes. Just arranging with someone, without my knowledge and then, voila! I was supposed to "perform". And no amount of telling him I do not want it helped. Urgh. So, yes to talking and knowing, omg! :(

To me, the Japanese kinks are more aesthetically pleasing though… I guess I like that fantasy more? ;)