
Not tipping well is one of my deal breakers (I don't have many, but very few things will make me rage stroke and go on a terrifying rant like that). ESPECIALLY since the guys who don't tip well also seem to be the ones that always INSIST on paying no matter how much you fight them for it and try to split the bill. So

A friend was advised by her mom, "You'll know whether or not he's marriage material by how he treats the waitress."

This is why I like going out to eat for a first date. I watch how they handle tipping, and decide from there if there will be a second date. It has been a good screening method so far.

I think it's the thought process of assholes. I replied to someone on another kitchenette post who didn't want min. wage to be raised, bc her uneducated brother would make the same pay that she does, as a person with a degree. It seemed to totally fucking escape her that she should be pissed at being underpaid,

Typical elite educated liberal spouting off all them fancy book-learnin' words. We need to get rid of the toxins!

I freaked my crazy food trend obsessed cousin by telling her that there was Dihydrogen Oxide in the water she was using to liquefy the kale she was going make into babyfood. And that it was also in the kale as well. I told her that no amount of organic farming or veganism was ever going to take out all the

(Better dead than neuroatypical, though, right?) (Wasn't that the anti-communist slogan back in the 50s?)

As far as I'm concerned, they're just a bunch of not particularly bright, laughably ahistorcial and inconsistent neo-luddites.

When I read the words "baby building broth" I think of something a LOT different that what is at the link...

I'm very thankful that the paleo diet exists. That way us vegans are not the only laughingstock.

I want to make an autism vaccine from bone-broth. Just to see who will and who won't take it and why.

He was just trying to break up the monotony of the work week, GOD SITA take your judgment somewhere else

Was the Nebraska story supposed to be in next weeks "Servers who were jerks to kids for no real reason" post and got thrown in here by mistake?

In regards to Carrie Halliwell's story, it seems to me that all her complaints about her customers were stuff she made up in her mind. HOW were the kids being snobbish? By giving you a look which you interpreted as looking down on you? As the story stated, they're from out of town, the world doesn't revolve around the

I think it's just that kids that age are used to having their parent(s) do all of the interaction with other adults, so they just have no clue.

OH MY GOD THE GUY WHO THREW THE TRASH!!! I love all of these today but that one made me die.

CEOs of vegan companies especially. My nieces have all the trading cards.

"Find three unrelated witnesses"


Haha, you schooled me! I'm an Aussie too. Living overseas now and always having to ask people "Do you say that here? Do you know what that means?" They don't say "garbos" in England btw, leaned that this week when referring to the gentlemen who empty the "dustbin lorry". Smh.

at least i have right shark