Thanks for that trip down memory lane!
Thanks for that trip down memory lane!
Tell me that Ben and Jerry aren’t really breaking up!
Wait...I thought Shia LaBeouf was this generations Shia LaBeouf?
Oh, you just reminded me of my favourite customer from a few years back. He was positively ancient and he was just the sweetest, most courteous man. And every time he came in, he’d had some curiousity for us. I’ve kept everything he ever gave me. I’ve got a box filled with newspaper clippings from the turn of last…
You want to punch a customer/fellow co-worker in the face? You break out the Earl Grey. Some days a cup of tea is just so what you need that the first mouthful actually makes your scalp tingle.
You’ve just given your young age away, my friend. Prawn cocktails were a staple on pretty much any restaurant menu here in Australia back in the 70’s and before (and even into the nineties in suburban pubs). In fact, they’re beginning to get a resurgence in popularity with the type of place that does “retro” dining.…
I work in a supermarket service deli. The area I work in is has a very large aged population and is surrounded by about four retirement villages. Every Thursday morning buses bring loads of old people over to do their weekly shop. So Thursday morning is generally chaos. End to end customers, two or three deep, most of…
I have never agreed so absolutely with anything I have read as much as I do this article. I bet he’s a lousy tipper.
Well, they two are sort of linked. I know that after (and during) some good sex I feel the need to drink a lot of water.
‘It’s like they can’t even hear their own words.’
I’ve made it a point to NEVER, EVER, EVER read the comments on Youtube. As in, immediately put it on fullscreen and vacate the page as soon as I’ve finished watching it. Pretend the comments part doesn’t even exist. I already know there are stupid, hateful, illiterate people in the world. I need no further evidence.
maybe it’s Halloween and he’s going to a party as Joey from Full House? (idk, it’s all I’ve got).
Why is Rocco Ritchie dressed like Joey from Full House?
To me, this doesn’t read as though he is describing somebody who doesn’t pay attention to grooming. He described somebody who could have stepped from the pages of a ‘50’s Good Housekeeping magazine. That’s some pretty high level grooming right there. Just not what we would consider conventionally sexy by todays…
I actually only came down here to the comments section to see if we were going to have a repeat of yesterdays fun. I’ve got a bottle of red and a packet of Three Bean Tim Tams and I’m settling in!
I saw and posted this a couple of days ago on Facebook and a friend and I were having that exact conversation. Any kid sees that lawn their going to think it’s awesome! (I’ve also started calling him my “relentlessly gay” friend. He’s embracing it ferociously!)
Every time I see a picture of Laverne Cox I want to know every single skincare product she uses. The woman is radiant!
Puts hand up. She’s pretty, I guess. But I’ve never really understood the obsession.
I rarely laugh at loud at comments. But I’m seriously wheezing here! And I spat my drink all over my screen. (and I promised myself that this computer wouldn’t fall victim to red wine like the last two).