
Why the hell are the first two coming out almost two weeks before the 3DS actually releases?

@Phantasos: Well, if she's into Zelda, she's a gamer to me. <3 My favorite series.

Blegh, I need a Wii deal.

@Lotus7: PETA has already recognized chocolate as feeling pain. It needs to be vegan.

Made from the finest Sudowoodo.

@ShaSt One: I first played Blue when my brother finding a GBC with it when he was working at a movie theater. He gave it to me.

@legendnthemaking: Blegh, I just can't get myself into the newer games. The designs are far too abstract and wild, they don't even resemble creatures that you'd want to have in your party.

@Lotus7: There are at least 6 pieces in every bar of chocolate. Chocolate is used to make chocolate chip cookies.

@Ursus-Veritas: Agh, why can't there be a deal like that in the US. I'm looking to buy a black Wii (my old one's looking... old), and all these Wii deals suck. I'd like to buy a Wii for 78 bucks ._.

@Blah8: If I were looking for something to have fun with, I'd easily pick a DS over an iPad. I won't ever get a tablet, I prefer having a physical keyboard and mouse for my emails/facebook/website/mspaint.

@slim934: There was one yesterday on Amazon for a few hours. It was the blue one for $140. Be persistent, I'm waiting for a good Wii deal.

He should try it out in one of these.

@Eternal: Well, I got my first phone back in April, and I was barely 13 then.... But it's not a smartphone.

I wonder how many of those kids 6-12 will actually get the iPad....

@Yokai: As a 13 year old, I would much rather have a PS3 over a Kindle or something. They're fine devices, but the PS3 just interests me more.

10 Bucks for Dissidia? 20 bucks for Peace Walker?

@FabAndroid: Not to mention the DSi buttons are a LOT better than the lite's. That's what I think anyway.