
@DrZaius: Yeah me too. And I have 45 dollar credit on there too, thanks to Swagbucks :D

Amazon has the DSi XL for 140 :o

@Shemhazaix300: I think the XMB would be pretty cool with a touch screen. That's just me, though.

@Herabek: Yeah. they covered Okamiden like 4 times, and they were all obscure, small articles that quickly faded away into a sea of articles.

@snarky30: 193. Use loose skin as a parachute in case of an emergency.

@Herabek: Okamiden. It's not out yet, but I loved what I played.

@JulyFish: Oh dear God, yes we do.

@JulyFish: I wish you the best. :)

@Tanneseph: There was a LittleBigPlanet PSP bundle with Karate Kid in it for $130, I think.

Projector Sesame Street.

@Peter Pan Complex: No, but JulyFish should really learn how to spell/type before he asks his parents to buy stuff. Like spiderweb says, school before video games. If you can't get a job, at least earn it through education.

@nerve11: Not to mention the deal is just... horrible.

@spiderweb1986: Kind of sad. I'm 13, I'm not asking for anything for Christmas, and I can type/spell better than this guy.