
There's always the chance that he may appear if Hasbro does greenlight a live action "Inhumanoids" movie.

…with an even bigger "Screw You" going towards Jason Blum (once again demonstrating why the producers of the Purge movies should stay as far away from Hasbro properties as possible).

Fans of the original 1980's cartoon/toyline anyways.

…or at least how it's the normal way to poop after eating Mexican food.

I thought Cartman (and pretty much most of South Park) was Catholic.

The main thing for me in terms of this pop-culture weekend was Saturday's new episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. What better way to celebrate the show's fifth anniversary (with the new episode airing five years to the day the show premiered) than with an episode that has a major "game changing" moment in

The Facebook and Instagram complaints does reflect one of the biggest risks of South Park doing a season-long story line (or at least have the events from previous episodes play a role in later episodes): will it be entertaining enough to keep people interested, or will it end up irritating the viewers instead?

I definitely noticed the absurd nature in last week's episode (especially how the Canadian prime minister was meant to be a parody of Donald Trump). The problem here is that with the whole "South Park goes PC" plot line of the season (especially last night's episode), the humor in most of the scenes that focus on that

The problem is that by the time the fight finally happens, I've already stopped watching the episode.

You are not alone here in terms of this season, as I turned off last night's episode after it failed to get a laugh out of me by the end of the second act (while the first two episodes of last season have been added onto my list of episodes that ruined South Park).

The original plan for "Kenny Dies" was that Kyle was going to be the character that ended up being dead for a season. In the end, Trey and Matt decided to go with Kenny instead, as they were running out ideas on how to kill him each episode.

While the Canadian Prime Minister is meant to be a parody of Trump, it's not supposed to be the actual Donald Trump. Just his Canadian equivalent.

The only real issue that I have with last night's episode: are Trey and Matt really going to make Kyle their "butt monkey" for the entire season? That's one element of South Park that gets old very fast, with me wondering if things would have been better if they'd killed him off as planned in Season 5 than seeing all

(in order to get this out of my system)

While I do have issues with how Kyle is handled, Randy and topical references can be entertaining if done right (see the Transgender episode from last year as an example). The problem is that with Trey and Matt using the "Six Days to Air" approach when doing new episodes of South Park, the end results can be "hit or

Last night's episode features a humorless one-note joke in the form of PC frat boys; Randy being his usual, not really that funny (in my opinion) self; Trey and Matt treating Kyle as their "Jewish Butt Monkey"; and the episode cramming as many references to the news stories of 2015 as possible (without being creative

That response to a Final Jeopardy answer that relates to South Park is definitely more creative than the actual South Park episode that aired tonight.

Trumpy, you can do stupid things!

A Twitter user using the name @TNACreative summed up the biggest problem with the ending to the Divas match: rather than giving it to someone with actual wrestling talent last night (instead of an "all looks, no talent" performer who is dating John Cena), Vince McMahon instead has the match end in a "Dusty Finish" all

Craptacular = A one word review of this episode.