
Very much agreed, with the episode becoming a heartless piece of crap once we get the first plot point of Marge trying to prevent the family to not wake up early on Christmas Day (with Bart finding a way to get around it). I'm not even sure if an additional scene at the end of the episode (one that reveals that the

(while wearing a black t-shirt that's labelled "JERK") TBS!!!!!!

That "person in shadow" in the end is supposed to be Lash. However, given how Lash's hair does somewhat resemble some of Blackheart's "features" in shadow, it's not surprising that those of who are familiar with him (especially if you played Marvel vs. Capcom 2) would be getting Blackheart vibes at the end of trailer

Agent Bob Johnson!

Chapter 11.5: If the eyes have to be wide open, then they must be completely white and featureless. This is known as Youngblood's Disease.

…or at least an album of Xavier Woods playing the trombone.

Heck, during the Rollins/Cena match, the crowd was actually doing the New Day chant at one point, with them replacing "New Day Rocks/Sucks" with "Cena Sucks".

Personally, the whole bit with Jon Stewart interfering in the Rollins/Cena match is a huge double-edged sword.

NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn = Triple H and Stephanie booking a major event that has wrestling fans talking for all the right reasons.
Summerslam 2015 = Vince booking a major event that has wrestling fans talking for all the wrong reasons (i.e. main events with poorly written endings).

If that's included, there also needs to be a scene where Skeletor sings the Cantonese version of the Village People's "YMCA".

…and singing the works of 4 Non Blondes.

I think that's from the Family Guy episode where Stewie appears on Kids Say the Darnedest Things.

Now we have a good idea of how WWE is going to burn at least a half-hour of Summerslam's four-hour run time.


That's only a small sample of the bitchiness that makes a lot of people despise Mama Bear. Also, let's not forget this article:

…or at least have Atom Smasher (aka Edge) to get involved in the match somehow.

Just a friendly reminder: for the third year in a row, Rifftrax is providing an alternative to NBC's latest live musical telecast in the form of their Xmas show. This year's offering: the "Jack and the Beanstalk" version of Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny.

Also, the film stars Chris Pratt, who appeared in two of the biggest films of the past year (The Lego Movie and Guardians of the Galaxy).

If you really want to mention a "bad" Universal release in the pipelines for 2015, the better choice would have been Jem.

Oh please. We all know the Kermit/Piggy break-up is one big publicity stunt to promote the new Muppets TV show. Besides, this whole concept is basically a Disney version of "Pig of the Nineties", a planned marketing campaign to reinvigorate the popularity of Miss Piggy, with it being cancelled due to the death of Jim