
…or have someone in the orchestra attempt to play a jar of mayo.

Please let him have a song about ravioli.

No, this is Patrick!

The complaint towards the more expensive versions feels more like people not truly understanding the packages (as I knew full well what I was getting into when I bought the $100 version).

Am I the only one who is thinking of the murder mystery weekend episode of The Golden Girls upon reading this news?

The maitre d' did it!

Well, he did nail Ezra's emo nature from Fantastic Beasts.

Step 1: Retcon the whole storyline about Steve Rogers actually being a member of HYDRA all this time.

…and that's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of Millar's version of Aunt May.

♪♫Butts, butts, butts, butts
Butts, butts, butts, butts.♪♫

O hai, Mark!

"I'm an exclamation point!" - Ralph Wiggum

Needs more cowbell.

Keep in mind that the director of Shin Godzilla also directed a film where a kid causes the end of all of humanity all because he jacked off to a comatose girl at a hospital.

Wake me up when they come out with The Raid: Election Year.

Basically, he's Crossbones in the Captain America movies and the male lead in the last two Purge movies.

Someone already did The Simpsons bit on Reddit.

Thanks. While I knew Breaking Dawn was two films, my mind was thinking there was four Twilight films instead of five (it was probably thinking of The Hunger Games).

I don't know, as it has some tough competition this weekend (i.e. John Wick 2, 50 Shades Darker AKA Twilight 6).

That also happens to sum up My Little Pony: Friendships is Magic when the an episode is done right.