
I remember that episode of Hollywood Squares. If only I could find a clip of it, because it's worth it (with the closing credits sequences including more of the impression, to the point where Kermit's Colin impression, in my opinion, turns into an impression of the host of the original UK version of Whose Line, Clive

My spoon is too big.

Actually, it has more to do with the title being very blatant in terms of its focus towards young girls (not to mention the awful character designs given to the characters in human form) than the "ponies as human" aspect.

"What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?!"
-Emperor Palpatine (and some parent who knows nothing about Star Wars who's kid would like to have Star Wars toys for Xmas this year)

Unfortunately, the frogurt is also cursed.

(cue "Vince paying tribute to Verne by running the company just like him" joke here).

As for him making it past the first round of the King of the Ring, it was most likely done to ensure a face/heel showdown for Barrett (who I believe is the favorite to win the tournament, with Neville being a close second).

In terms of the first step, that's already been done with the original live-action version of Death Note, with the climax mixing, in terms of the memes associated with the moments, "Ladies Night" and "Swimming Lessons".


Of course that's not Batman doing the Nazi salute. That's Crazy Steve, the deranged hobo in a Batman outfit that's the main character in ASBAR and Frank Miller's "Dark Knight" stories.

The 2015 Flash has Hamill's Trickster as a serial killer who was captured twenty years before the events of the series, but eventually, via mail, trains a successor (who is likely also his illegitimate son) to become the new Trickster.

You know you're dealing with a very forgettable Raw when the main highlight of the night was the WWE Network airing the first episode of Hulk Hogan's Rock 'n' Wrestling immediately after Raw (as in the cartoon with Brad Garrett as Hulk Hogan and Uncle Phil as the Junkyard Dog).

You can definitely tell that not only was this episode made before the writers knew about King of the Hill being another hit cartoon for Fox, but they were also well aware of Married… With Children being on its last legs.

So, does the documentary mention how a popular Internet reviewer and the boy from The Bernie Mac Show discovered the connections between the E. T. video game and Area 51 (those who know which reviewer I'm referencing will know exactly what I'm talking about)?

Because this talkback can't be complete without this nugget of joy from Batman:

Yvan eht nioj!!!

…but given Whackjob McMahon's idea of what the Divas division should be, she's not the babyface we need.

Because the HOF is the one of those events that doesn't follow kayfabe and allows the wrestlers to act how they usually do when off-camera.

Can you see that I am serious?

Trumpy, you can do stupid things!