
Because no discussion of Kanye's West "Power" can be complete without this (with this pretty much one of the first things that comes to mind when I think of that song):

Admit it: you nickname at least one male anime character who is usually seen with sparkles around them "Mr. Sparkle". For me, my choice is Armstrong from Fullmetal Alchemist.

For best lucky wash, use Mr. Sparkle.

Luckily, The Cheat is not dead.
I'm so glad The Cheat is not dead.

Fack the Brian Blair.

Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

I already mentioned that Wyatt was most likely taking the night off due to a legit injury. As for Sting, he appeared in a bit that was on the WWE Network immediately after Raw, which basically consisted of him giving Bo Dallas a Scorpion Drop.

That's the "storyline" injury that they're using, which in turn has received a lot of criticism from numerous wrestling journalists given how a luchador actually died from this type of injury due to a "spot" that went horribly wrong at a wrestling card in Tijuana.

As I've stated for the past few weeks, the whole "Authority" situation is basically the USA Network living in the past and thinking that the "evil boss" angle is the element (rather than the wrestlers themselves) that made people tune it to Raw during the later years of the Monday Night Wars.

You really think "mohawk" Sheamus is better looking that "Beaker" Sheamus?

They already did something like that, it's called the final months of Prime Time Wrestling.

AKA Triple H's tribute to The Shockmaster.

In terms of the lack of Bray Wyatt last night, keep in mind that he sprained his ankle while warming up for his match, and most likely had the night off to recover after having competing on Sunday with an injury.

Meanwhile, the Rifftrax Live alternative to this has already been confirmed in the form of the "Jack and the Beanstalk" cut of Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny.

Yo, Uh. Word. Adjective. Pronoun. Adverb.
Run on and on and on.
Where my gerunds at?
Parenthetical, uh.

How appropriate that this episode, which features a cameo by Bret "The Hitman" Hart, is being covered during Wrestlemania weekend.

I know that the Yoda encore does appear on both of his "in concert" DVD's.

Another problem with the Lex Express: that was something that WWE had to come up with on the spot, as the wrestler that was originally going to bodyslam Yokozuna, Crush, hurt himself while trying to lift him.
