Too Much Cowbell

WTF is meant by “1/4 can” of cranberry sauce? What size can?

Season One of Dexter was awesome from beginning to end. It was a daring premise and a great story well told and well acted; some of the best television I’ve ever seen.

I’m trying to think of a way to express how incorrect every statement in this comment is without coming off as attacking you personally or just being a bitch.

I wonder how these producers are going to pervert, negate and dismiss this classic story, the way they did Jackson’s work.

I am getting violently mugged on Memory Lane right now, and it’s your damn fault.

Slither is the film that made me girl-crush on Elizabeth Banks. But the whole cast is wonderful, as is the film.

I admit, I was not that impressed on the first read, but I liked it a lot more the second time around.

JDATE became one of my favorite books ever pretty much as soon a I was done reading it the first time.  I love all of David Wong’s novels...and he has promised at least one more “John and David” novel to come!

Cruise vacationing may recover, but I think buffet-style dining may actually be dead forever, and good riddance.

Heather Graham is now old enough to play Rita Blakemoor.

Why fucking not put him on the street?! Do it now before you waste any more of your life being unhappy.

Salt isn’t a problem for a healthy person (sodium is the problem for people with certain medical ailments). You should not worry about your salt/sodium intake unless your physician tells you so after an exam.
As Alton Brown once pointed out, we have taste buds specifically for salt. We don’t have customized taste buds

What you say is true, but slow cooking doesn’t usually take place in an oven—in fact, I can’t think of a single example off the top of my head..

I’ve heard/read this many times over the years, but it does.  Not.  Work.

Twenty-plus years ago I made an escape from an abusive boyfriend. Before I left I snuck his folder of recipes to my workplace and made copies of everything to take with me. He was an a-hole but he could cook like a dream.

“Children Are Assholes”

I loved that book. For me, it wasn’t the plot so much as the sense it gives you of the enormous weight of time and its cyclical nature.

You must’ve had good teachers.  I’ve been a voracious reader since I learned to read, and some of the shit books that I was assigned in school were like torture.

Anyone and everyone, get your hands on a copy of Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, and read it, and then pass it on.

I’m starring this because I loved the shit out of Cryptonomicon. I’ve read it through four times, but haven’t picked it up in years—is it anachronistic now? I hope not...