Too Much Cowbell

I haven’t seen it in years, but I do remember that William’s marriage/family situation is sort of revealed gradually, so it’s like, “This man’s having a bad day” and then “Whoa, his wife’s a bitch” and then “She’s not such a bitch, he’s become unbearable”and on to “He’s devastated by being cut off from his child” to,

Often the written word, however brilliant, doesn’t translate well to a visual medium. Consider, as just one example, the astonishing job done by Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh et al. on the LOTR films. There are plenty of great stories adapted for the screen that lose nothing, and sometimes even gain from the changes made.

Spielberg has made some real honkers over his career, and Hook is objectively bad; but Spielberg’s worst movie by a long, long way is 1941. Go watch it if you don’t believe me.

No I thought it was perfect for what it was:  a fraught, fulsome gothic romance with everything turned up to 12.  Watch it through that lens and everything about it is perfect.  Jessica Chastain especially.

I feel like he would make the vampires repulsive somehow, which would be great. But I can’t imagine how he would deal with the baseball.

These shots at Mrs. Bakker are only partly deserved. Yes, she grifted and lived high on the hog for a long while; it was when she finally got away from Jim B. that she began to try to better herself. Before her end she took steps to redeem herself—and she was very public in admitting to her mistakes, and to her

Any fries made from fresh potatoes suffer from this. When they’re fresh out of the fryer, they are God’s own gift; let them cool down and they are lukewarm greasy potato sludge, and revolting.

I actually toured a Titanic exhibit in Las Vegas years ago, and there actually was a “wall” of ice on one side. I can’t remember the claimed purpose of this ice; it may have been an attempt to mimic the huge size of the actual berg.

Alaska has a sparse population, and Alaskans are more aware than the average American is of this trash woman’s constant grifting and her trash family’s trash behavior.  Certainly anything is possible, but I’d hope that Alaskans would want better for themselves than this creature.

Thank you for my new band name, Etiolated Wolves.

This logo immediately made me think of Miami Vice, so now I’m thinking about Miami instead of about Los Angeles. Somehow I don’t think that was the effect they were going for.

Re: not this article, but this rich and meaty comment thread:

There is exactly one (1) Culver’s in my area of South TX, and serendipitously it is just a couple of miles from my house. I love the place. Also, apparently they take good care of their employees.

Can you explain why you chose to embed an “instructional” video for deboning chicken where you literally cannot see any of the knife work?

I take strong exception to the author’s lumping HEB in with these “affluent,” exclusionary grocery chains.
HEB’s stores, while certainly clean, well laid out and stocked with a variety of quality merchandise, is hardly exclusive or overpriced. The HEB stores in my city frequently undercut even Wal-Mart’s prices, and

...dragon-wielding terrorist Lady Sybil Ramkin...

WTF is meant by “1/4 can” of cranberry sauce? What size can?

Season One of Dexter was awesome from beginning to end. It was a daring premise and a great story well told and well acted; some of the best television I’ve ever seen.