Too Much Cowbell

I dunno about that particular article, but sticking rocks up your va-hootchie and/or steaming it (??) are both things that can lead to serious infections, up to and including TSS and death. Paying too much money for the rock in question (because Gwinnie says it’s somehow special) does not make it any safer.

Snatch is also good.

I like those words that start with “va” and then are just nonsense syllables.

Cooter is one of my all-time favorites.

Colbert used the term “Goop chute” and that’s what it is for me from now until I die.

I have some bad news for y’all: Joseph never actually existed.

“How Nature Says ‘Do Not Touch’”

One of the benefits of being a rube from the whitey-tightey sticks: When you grow up, you get to taste all the world’s wonderful food for the first time—at an age when you can appreciate it.

That’s when he went public with his story, saying the restaurant chain “should take this more seriously” than merely sending a goodwill voucher.

Another advantage to steaming is that less water = comes to a boil much faster = you get your eggs quicker.

Casting for McAfee in this version of the movie hasn’t been announced


1. By all accounts LaLaurie was a hideous sadist. IMO basing a fictional series on these events would be no different than basing a series on the guards of Auschwitz or on that skeery fella John Gacy—in other words, completely fucking tasteless.

I make it my business to avoid researching or policing the entire spectrum of someone’s views,

I don’t understand the charges here. My line of work includes background checks, and charges of “Elder abuse/assault on elderly/disabled” are always felonies, and the penalties are goddamn serious.

It’s very good pop music, and unoriginal.