What do you mean, “almost always guys”? Can you name a woman who has done this?
Those of you who live in areas where HEB has grocery stores should try their store brand. It comes in Mild, Medium and Hot, and the Hot is too hot for me (if you knew me you would understand that this is astounding).
I believe this is why her statement is worded the way it is—she is trying to let people know that she can’t speak her mind for fear of losing custody of her children.
As far as I know, Sambal Oelek is not intended as a dipping sauce, and I’ve never seen or heard of anyone using it that way before now.
Y’all keep saying “it’ll be rural vs. urban” or “Coastal vs. Middle America” and all of that is bullshit.
Just so you are aware, I am stealing this.
You mean...like they’ve already been doing for years, and keep doing more and more often as time goes on?
Get out of Austin NOW!
If you are thinking 19th/20th Century warfare, you are thinking about it wrong. You need to think more about insurgents, terrorist strikes, enclaves, guerrillas in hiding, etc.
They could be five million strong, nationwide, networked, trained for combat and unanimous in their views and their willingness to go to war*—and they’d still not amount to much more than a fart in a hurricane.
Nixon was never impeached. Although Congress did vote to impeach, Nixon resigned before any action could be taken.
Castro. Or whatsishame, the gay dude.
God knows I’m not the most sensible person ever born, and God knows I’ve done seriously stupid shit in the name of love/lust; but jeeezus. “Hang in there”? What you hanging by, honey?
No way. No way does any film producer go along with portraying...that scene I know both of us immediately thought of upon reading this article.