Too Much Cowbell

This is how I watched Season 1.

I dunno about that--what color children?


Malek’s twin brother (a teacher) is somehow way way hotter than his movie-star sibling. Look up a photo and tell me I’m wrong.

I have admired Malek very much since I first saw him. I will watch anything he does because he is SO talented.

“Why not make your food taste delicious the first time without a bit of ‘enhancement’?”

I would be more worried about this very thing if Trump’s Team had ever shown any aptitude for organizing and/or coming up with a cohesive plan.

“You people”?

All I really want is for someone to tie Tucker to a chair and threaten him with a bolt cutter until he explains, in explicit detail, just exactly what the fuck he means by “this country’s natural landscape.”

My best guess: Milo Y is so terrible at giving head that the Mercers want their $ back.

This may or may not have been Atwood’s intention, but I got a strong sense that the “National Homelands” were a lie, and that POC were just being exterminated. It would fit. Atwood has said many times that there is nothing in her novel that has not been done IRL at some point in our history.

I have read a lot of Atwood and liked some of it. I can recommend The Blind Assassin and Alias Grace. Oryx and Crake and its sequel depressed the hell out of me.

Coyotes are going to orbit around any area where there is food, so yes, if you toss food out of your car you are going to attract them.

Does this smell funny to you?

“We all did absolutely horrible things as kids... 

That sky in the background makes it all seem like a Terry Gilliam animation.

Just the trailers for that thing made me pity Guy Pearce.  I think that was supposed to be his Big Hollywood Blockbuster.  He deserves a far better career than the one he’s had.

I want to join the Church of Stan.  How do I sign up?  Do you have any brochures?

One of the more positive things I can find to say about AHS is that it shows no respect to any institution, entity, canon, individual, principle, dogma, tenet, rules of storytelling...

The pie-ing didn’t bring her down. Her reaction to the situation is what brought her down. She cried and carried on like she was in a Shakespeareian tragedy.  She and her husband “prayed” for the pie-thrower.  All this while the cameras were still rolling.