Too Much Cowbell

Dude. Ellipses are not the same as periods.

I’ve always been enraged by the “hot coffee lawsuit” narrative which completely ignores the facts of the case.

‘K, I have to go change my undies.

This is a wild guess, and I mean no offense to you—but are you by chance male and Caucasian? That might explain why BEE was so accessible and friendly to you, when he apparently makes quite a different impression on others.

I had pretty much the same reaction to the book, and I agree the movie’s way better.

By stitching up part of her vagina lengthwise and leaving the stitches in place until the flesh heals into a smaller vagina.


It would be nice if you could simplify existence by pigeonholing people at a glance, but, sadly, it is complete bullshit and evidence of a “thinking” process so goddamn lazy that people who use it might as well be insect life.

No, actually it isn’t.

Now playing

Just can’t believe no one’s posted this before now.

Even though AIDS is not mentioned once.

I vote that he switch to iZombie. It has zombies in it, and is equally ridiculous, but without the total lack of self-awareness and sad, sad delusions of gravitas. Also, the cast is mostly rully cute and, because the world has not ended, you don’t have to keep wondering how the ladies keep their pits/legs shaved.

This statement is incorrect. Dredd, viewed as what used to be called a “B-movie” or a “drive-in movie,” is purely fantastic. It is not cerebral but it is coherent, fast-paced, visually intriguing and extraordinarily well-directed—IMO one of the best films of 2012.

- soak the carpets of the NRA’s offices with blood

I’ve seen both The Rapture and The Mission and I agree that both are extremely good films (though they are wildly different).

Your keyboard to God’s ears.

It was WAY FUCKING WORSE. Do not approach for any reason.