Mr. Robot is a breakthrough series for the USA Network. Other cable networks, particularly AMC, have been airing what some call “peak television” series for years. USA Network has been better known for entertaining but empty froth.
Mr. Robot is a breakthrough series for the USA Network. Other cable networks, particularly AMC, have been airing what some call “peak television” series for years. USA Network has been better known for entertaining but empty froth.
How do you negative-star a comment?
I was an English major and remain a Grammar Nazi and this is too nitpicky even for me.
How in the hell does that iPod still have a charge.
If you open a business the local residents can’t afford to patronize it’s gentrification. If you don’t tailor your business to the pre-existing community surrounding it it’s discrimination.
“’Gentrification’ doesn’t have to be a dirty word”?
There’s the thoughtless, the blithely unaware, the inconsiderate...and then there’s the kind of co-worker who expresses his/her hatred of our species by microwaving fish in the breakroom.
Pssh—no one eats cold cereal any more!
A hot dog is a sausage inna bun, not a sandwich.
My sister has gone vegan just in time for my annual Thanksgiving visit at her house. Can you point us to one or more decent vegan recipe sites? Thanks in advance.
My hot dog lubricant of choice is nobody else’s damn business.
If I am grey, I would like to be un-greyed, please.
Oh, makers have come with timers since the late 1970s. With most models you only have to set it once. You wouldn’t even have to go take your leak before your coffee’s ready—you can set the timer to start brewing 10 minutes before your alarm goes off, go get your coffee, and then go pee with your mug of…
But that would be against their principles—these people don’t believe in “charity” of any kind.
Clearly, most of the people replying to your comment are young enough for a dream date with Roy Moore.
Nope, lots of different companies make the cups that go into Keurig machines.
I did enjoy this episode, but nothing you have mentioned about why it worked so well would have worked at all without Khary Payton’s work portraying Ezekiel.
A) I consider Plummer to be at least an equal actor to Spacey.