Too Much Cowbell

Of course, three out of four of those also work quite well on the living.

We all know that the baby will be retrieved by Rick at some point, handed off to a smiling, matronly extra (who will not have any lines), and never ever seen or referred to again.

In terms of horror, this is by far the best novel King has ever written.

You don’t need to remember it; he’s “better-looking of the only two gay men left after the zombie apocalyp—whoops, we might be down to one now.”

That was our first eyeroll of the episode last night: “I don’t die.” The spouse and I immediately added in tandem, “The writers told me so.”

It’s great that Rick remembers this Morales guy, because I do not. I have no memory of him whatsoever. Was he one of the men protecting the nursing home?

Have you noticed that none of the cast of Enterprise has ever been seen again? I don’t think I’ve seen even Bakula in anything since that series.

God damn it I fucking love Quatermass and the Pit, and it’s not available in any Region 1 format that I can find.

I became a Matheson fan when I realized that the same guy who wrote The Legend of Hell House also wrote Duel—along with The Incredible Shrinking Man! (Which is a cracking good novel, BTW.)

I don’t think I’ll ever forget “Lovers’ Vow,” not because it frightened me but because it’s so very sad. Kudos to both Rae Dawn Chong and James Remar; and also, Remar’s awesome in everything and why didn’t he have a better career?

Sorry...but they’re not. This series is a long snore.

Since last season’s final ep, I feel it is wise to filter all of Darlene’s statements and actions with the awareness that she might be/is probably wearing a wire.


You are right about that; but without Slater their conversations would a) not be as entertaining and b) probably be really gimmicky. I like Slater in this show and I’d miss him if he went away.

Oh, and here’s Dick’s son, Jack.

I don’t see how any reasonably well-informed adult—particularly anyone interested in this type of show—could not already tell that that guy was the BTK killer.

I want them to be food. Like, free-range space chickens.

wut u did thar i sees it

Robot Jude Law would at least demonstrate some basic attention to/interest in the proceedings...

The Oscars have pissed away their credibility to the point where they’re pretty much meaningless now.