Too Much Cowbell

This hadn't occurred to me until you pointed it out, but you're right.
So now I'll be "_____-shaming" absolutely everything I possibly can, all day, every day.
"Damn, Cowbell, you sure put a lot of creamer in your coffee—" "Stop creamer-shaming me!"
"You're nine days behind on this project." "How dare you slacker-shame

All those deaths because they wouldn't simply test the blood. All because they just wanted to pretend this deadly problem didn't exist at all. It's insane as well as tragic.

When I heard it was being discontinued, I bought a spare one.
I guess if they both die, I'll have to make do with a 128 GB Touch that'll hold most of my music and that'll have a shitload of features I don't need or want…

Huckabee Sanders really does look like that suburban mom who meticulously plans and then executes a hostile takeover of the HOA.

That we know of.

My dear father, who thought golf was the stupidest fucking thing ever invented by mankind, paid for membership in a golf club solely so that his children could go to the pool there.
During summer vacations we went there practically every day.
It certainly saved my mother's sanity. Now that I think about it, it was

The Shining is a crap film.
Other than that I pretty much agree with you. See also: every goddamn King adaptation ever made, with the exception of Misery.

Didn't they join hands and close their eyes and imply some kind of a mystic mind-meld or something?

I remember that. It's from his Playboy interview (which had to be in the 80s, maybe even the late 70s?). "I'll geek a rat if it's the only way to get a reaction." (Paraphrase.)
But I also remember from that interview that he seemed to have a genuine grip on what fear is, as a human emotion, and how to evoke it.

The first night (i.e. the first two hours) were terrific. I mean, Ed Harris. Kathy Bates. Sooooo cool watching the world end.
But casting Jamey Sheridan as Randall Fucking Flagg?!
No disrespect to the actor, who is fine in L&O; but he's certainly no Randall Flagg. Especially not with that wig.

What a fascinating, awesome read.
I never thought of David Warner as a warm, friendly person—it's like imagining Malcolm McDowell as a cheerful, friendly guy who asks after your family.
He's been so great as so many heavies over the years, but the one performance that stands out for me is Gul Madred in TNG. He made


Well, whoopty-diddly-do!
Hopefully she will be the first murder victim. About eight minutes into Episode One.

It has some standout moments and is overall very creepy. Forrest Whitaker has a small role, likewise R. Lee Ermey and one of the Tilly sisters, I forget her name. There are some very chilling moments. It's worth seeing.

I've heard rumors that someone (I don't know who) is trying to "adapt" Cat's Cradle.
Anyone want to take bets on which "adaptation" will be the more hideous abortion?

Yeah, those quantities don't look right to me. 3+ cups of liquid, including TWO cups of mayo, and only teaspoons of seasonings?
I haven't ever tasted it, but my preliminary verdict is: White Nonsense.

Immediate impressions:
1) Look past all the insane clutter—as much as you can, anyway—and that is a sweet-ass kitchen.
2) That appears to be a dishwasher in the "fitness room." What? Why?
3) Why does the bedroom have a tile floor? WHY DOES THE BEDROOM HAVE A TILE FLOOR? WHY DOES THE BEDROOM HA—

Oh, shit, now I'm interested!

The Fireman is the only one of his novels that I actually hated. It's chronicle of episode after episode of suffering, leading to a climax of…no clear resolution whatsoever accompanied by a last big spurt of suffering.

I read 20th Century Ghosts only because I had read about the King connection. That book is a collection of truly fantastic, imaginative short stories.
That led me to Locke & Key. I'm not a big reader of graphic novels, so I feel very lucky to have stumbled across that one—it's fantastic.
Hill's other published work,