Too Much Cowbell

Her mother reunited with the man who had raped her own daughter when her (now adult) daughter was eight fucking years old. She started dating him again when he got out of prison for the rape.
I don't often want to burn down the whole goddamn world; but I sure did when that story broke.

Actually, since (shudder) she's First Lady it literally is her job—hers and her (undersized and inexperienced) staff's.
I want you to try to imagine what we'd be hearing right now if Michelle Obama screwed the pooch like this and didn't even seem to care.

You made the wrong choice there, Evil Abe. You always get the Cheerwine.
Goddamn I wish I had some right now. Stupid goddamn Texas…

Big Red is bubble-gum flavored robot piss, so no, it shouldn't be anywhere near this list.

I'll drink Pibb. But the two sodas don't really taste the same.

My favorite up there: "Dr. Becker." If I ever see that on a shelf I will buy it.

At base, it's just a marketing fad. People respond to it without really understanding what it means.
In the early part of the last century, "sanitary" and "untouched by human hands" were popular marketing phrases because notions of germ transmission had entered the public consciousness. (How squicked out would modern

Cocaine* is a helluva drug.

At least one of us is going to Hell for that.

I saw the film at about age 13. It scared the crap out of me and also enriched my vocabulary with a few very strange words I'd never heard before, so it has a place in my heart.

Good God that film was so bad it actually made me ANGRY.

Gerald's Game is literally 98% a woman handcuffed to a bed. Movie? Really?

What u did thar, I C it.

The sequel was cobbled together from the deceased author's very sketchy outline by…I dunno, but someone with no fucking talent whatsoever.
Do not read the "sequel." All it does is sully the purity of the original.

Just found & watched it out of curiosity.

I am really sorry that you got jerked around and hurt by an asshole. I am a female who's also been jerked around and hurt by assholes so I know how that feels. It's humiliating.
I am really glad you did not get sucked in to the vindictive redpill movement. It seems like your mind is too strong for their nonsense and

Generation 404

He's my age, and according to all the charts and things our years of birth are right at the veeeery end of the "Boomer" generation.
But I've never felt like a Boomer and I've never shared "Boomer values." In my youth I identified with GenX.
Then I got a little older, realized that all this generational shit is

I'm still—still!—on board for The Walking Dead. I'll probably watch it until the wheels come off.
But at the end of last season I bailed so hard on FTWD. I just can't take that much stupid crammed into 44 minutes. No mas, no mas.