Too Much Cowbell

In a story that had even the most tenuous connection to realism, the tiger would have been the receptacle of every bullet from every gun within range, and would be deader than dogshit.
But I don't think the tiger is dead, and I hope she isn't, because she's one of the best things about the series these days.

Upvoted because I agree with you about Duvall, and also about JDM. I first noticed him in Watchmen, where his work was so far above the material it was almost like he was in another movie.

Both actors are fascinating. However, the character is a boring, vulgar windbag and I doubt any actor is talented enough to overcome the shitpants writing.

I think we're just supposed to accept that The Tiger Is Mystical or something, or perhaps The Tiger Can Smell Evil.
It's dumb but I love the silly tiger so much that I don't care. Every time she appears the CGI is a little better.

It was bad, but it was not as putrid as this season's premiere episode. Good Gawd.

It works if the Garbage Goth Kids were already in contact w/ the Saviors before Rick's group discovered them.

Slaves. Negan says something like, "People are resources!"

I guess my favorite is Wolves of the Calla. A bit bloated, perhaps, but I was fascinated by the story.

Desperation is one of his best novels. I remember thinking at the time that, finally, King had overcome his substance abuse issues and was back on track. The Regulators was a waste of time—leftover ideas he couldn't fit into Desperation—but I could sort of understand why he wrote it.
And he really did have a great

If anything of us is remembered in a thousand years, Stephen King will be remembered for Pet Sematary. It is the greatest horror novel I have ever read and possibly the greatest ever written.

Look, it’s entirely possible that Renee is a perfectly decent gal with
no intentions of snaring Stan into some sort of treasonous blackmail

This is absolutely the best way to defuse a bigot. There used to be a lot of men in the workplace who'd tell filthy jokes to try to embarrass female co-workers, and forcing them to explain the joke never failed to turn the tables.

IMO that list is pretty much on the money. Duma Key was a good novel, but somehow…minor. The "Mr. Mercedes" trilogy is very good.

I love Stephen King and It is a rambling mess. The children's gang-bang scene is only the most obvious gaffe in a book filled with bad choices.
King has not been secretive about his substance abuse problems during that time, and It seems to have been fueled mostly by cocaine and Robitussin.

For many years, I assumed that the characters in HP Lovecraft's story "The Hound" had been based on Leopold and Loeb—a pair of privileged young men in a borderline homoerotic relationship, becoming depraved in their search for "thrills."

It's unsolved and there is a lot of confusing information. The house/crime scene was contaminated six ways from Sunday before the body was even found. There was a lot of politics and bad feeling between the prosecutor, the police and the family. The media frenzy didn't help things.
The Wikipedia entry does a

It's been 20+ years since the murder. Both parents are now dead and can't be hurt by it. Murder mysteries like this are endlessly fascinating.
I hope the doc spends some time on what law enforcement did and did not do.

Nope, sorry, that line does not exist.
Perhaps it's in the novel. It's been a good twenty years since I've read it.

Good gracious, yes, yes, you are.

Well, they got their revenge in the end.