I'm getting suspicious at this point. Are you just trying to beat some kind of posting record?
Or..wait…are you a former cast member who resents losing the job?
I'm getting suspicious at this point. Are you just trying to beat some kind of posting record?
Or..wait…are you a former cast member who resents losing the job?
You really need to find another outlet for all this energy. Have you considered volunteer work? Or something else constructive?
You are entitled to your own opinion, of course; but you are really swimming against the current here. Carol's progression since S1 has been fascinating and wonderful. (Did you miss that bit where she blew up Terminus and fed its leader to the dead?) JDM is a good and interesting actor but his lines in this series…
You have a talent like that, you should not neglect it and let it go to waste. Make cobbler for me. I can't bake at all. I can't even make biscuits.
The direction really did mostly suck. Did this Gimple guy also direct the first ep of this season—the one with all the B&W images of various characters and then Lucille swinging down on their faces? (That was SO vomitrociously bad.) I never think to look at the credits until it's too late.
"Clear" was definitely the best ep of this series so far, exempting only the pilot.
As soon as they introduced King Ezekiel I wanted the show to just be about him and the Kingdom and his tiger and Jerry.
I've never seen Khary Payton in anything before but he is awesome.
I liked the actor, but Richard's plans were like plots hatched by a second-grader.
That first Rube Goldberg mess where they hurt/kill a Savior, somehow making the Saviors think Carol did it, so they'll hurt/kill Carol, which will anger Ezekiel and make him want to go to war? Whut??
And then this week, a roadblock so…
I agree with most of your points, but I did think the tiger looked a lot better this week.
I admire Atwood's work more than I "like" it, because virtually all of it is so goddamn depressing. I forget the title of her sequel to Oryx and Crake, but I'll never read it again. It gave me nightmares.
However, I read the ending of The Handmaid's Tale as completely ambiguous: our protagonist might have been…
I've been hearing about it since 1985 but never got around to reading it until last year.
The hype is…not hype at all. It is an amazing novel.
Spike has children.
Stan is just SUCH an asshole, it's nearly impossible to root for him. He just makes it hard to remember he's the one on the side of Right and Democracy and Justice and etc. I've hated him ever since he sidled up to Nina on the street and started threatening her family with Soviet prison/death.
I started watching China Beach for Dana Delaney, but I kept watching it for Jeff Kober.
I wish he got more work.
Mothra or GTFO
Where did you get the idea that working at Sizzler is the source of the mockery?
Did you READ the article?
This man is a shameless and unapologetic liar, that that is what the scorn is about, and it is far less than he deserves.
Perhaps you need to work on your reading skills.
It's a small thing, but like the "Bully Handshake" and a myriad other small things, it's distasteful and contemptible, and speaks volumes about the kind of person he is (trash. I'm saying he's trash. To the bone).
Something no one has pointed out yet: If it was a test by Negan, then Eugene passed and now has Negan's trust; but whether it was or wasn't a test, we now have Two Chekhovian Poison Pills lurking in the scenery. Don't ever imagine those pills aren't going to show up again.
I have a memory of Eugene saying he had a non-scientist position at the HGP (janitor? tech support?), and that is how he was able to parrot so much of the sciencey talk.
This may be a false memory, but I'm almost positive that Eugene did have some connection to the real project.