
I hate like hell to admit it, but “uncomfortable” and “clearly in pain from the realization of what’s being expected of him” are actually some of the least-worrying (if not quite outright encouraging) things a president-elect Trump could possibly be. How many of our previous presidents visibly showed that much

That is the face of a man who did not see this coming.

I’m going to start issuing press releases for my own dreams too:

I was looking at that but ended up with used 2001 Lincoln LS V8 w/ sport package.

Each time the f-bomb gets needlessly lobbed here, the less likely I am to return.

Not my favorite shot ive taken, but definitely my favorite unprocessed camera phone photo ive taken.

When the first American space station, Skylab, made its uncontrolled re-entry, it did so over the South Pacific and Australia. People found parts of the station, and there was some minor property damage, but nobody was hurt. 

That’s why we send him to test some cars and the rest of us scrub-ass motherfuckers to test others.

We have those exact chairs in my office. Now I appreciate them a little more. Thank you lol

I used to work at McLaren engines where this was built so I’ve seen this vehicle up close and know the guys that built it. This is definitely a relic of the F&F era which doesn’t do it any favors looks wise. However the work done on it is top notch. These guys were building all the Ford Racing vehicles as well as all

Nope, firesharter is right. That pop up can be propped vertically with hooks for groceries or to keep things fore of the divider from sliding around. It’s pretty clever but unfortunately not a third row seat. There’s a video of it somewhere from a European review that I’m too lazy to find.

The good shit.

Also tesla has much better resale then Mercedes so the total cost of ownership of a 85-90kwh tesla might be cheaper. Mercedes also needs premium gas and needs expensive maintenance

Nope. Thats a grocery bag pop up holder. MB makes the only 3 row wagon.

I could be wrong, but it looks like there are cutouts in the trunk for two rear facing third row seats in the 7th picture in the article, no?

Will I have to wait 25 years to import a used pair?

I used to live in Rosslyn (Arlington) VA in that big red/brick-colored apartment complex behind those two towers. The one with the pool. Something you may not know about those buildings: the apartments all (as far as I know) come with picture windows. At least mine did. My living room window overlooked the pool. My

I’d get into it with you but I’ve already had this conversation a thousand times with you delusional fucking morons and I’ve realized there’s no fucking point in trying to have a rational conversation with any of you. You’re just very gullible fucking idiots who are so afraid of the world that you’ve concocted this

I know at least one person out there, commute to work in this trike and get-up.
