Only the best.
Only the best.
I don’t. I think he’d kill her for the Soul Stone too.
He wasn’t in the Canadian/Royal armed forces, and it was science people from your southern neighbor with a large dash of Austria science.
Nice one. For a German Parakeet.
New Mexico and the Mid West don’t look anything alike.
Nobody likes work meetings. Why show the end and the mobilization for battle?
HA! Paramount’s involved.
You must have knocked out because of too much indica in the bong during BvS! Bruce stole the info from the makeup-less Joker at the high-falutin’ party. Er, uh, Lex.
I think he got it from Datsun, Datsun-Nissan, Nissan-Datsun, Nissan.
I thought is was space opium poppies.
Don’t forget to send your time card to WB Payroll at the end of today. It’s Friday!
Wasn’t that called Shaun of the Dead?
Who’s gonna giggle when Thanos writes home about picking up a little more work and who gives him the blow job?
Did Clyde flip you off?
So that’s what Dayton Moore’s been doing instead of improving the roster.
Too bad the fighting sportscasters question come up this time of year.
With a crooked rug.
There was the Reserve Clause and the Gentleman’s Agreement that resulted in the Negro Leagues for decades.
Pat Slumberall wouldn’t even know he got his as stomped. It would be a fat man stomping a hypersomniac.